Reviews for Savvy!
danzin mushrooms chapter 1 . 5/16/2005
OH MY EFFIN GOD. that was brilliantly hilarious. you should have seen me laughing like a fool, which earned me reproachful looks from my stuffed animals. its all too true, this mary-sue stuff. you catch it perfectly.

erm...u probably wouldnt want trying to write a POTC story about a single pirate mother, but i REALY dont want to make it mary-sue. i know it sounds impossible with the detailed plot i gave you, but i could use even a smidgen of help from my peers {gushes}.
Christina Simon chapter 7 . 8/19/2004
HEE! This was so funny, and I love the Eye Theory. Please don't let this be the end!
Werecat99 chapter 1 . 2/11/2004
Hehe, I already love this. Well written and with humor.
Good work.
Somnia chapter 2 . 1/19/2004
" "I am called Maxamilliana," the woman replied, her voice like silvery bells as opposed to gold ones. "Yet my friends may refer to me as simply Max."
You go girl! Loved it! I', glad mines not a mary sue...right...guys?...hello?
Somnia xx
Worlds Apart MS Hunters chapter 7 . 1/16/2004
This is sheer brilliance!
We love it!
At least we are not the only ones who despise mary-sues!
Update soon!
tatooine tango chapter 7 . 1/5/2004
Oh God, I hate the 'you' Sues so much! Damn them all! They are probably the only ones worse than a songfic! Ok, the ones written in script form are stereotypically lame, and so are all Mary Sues, they just need to DIE! I have nothing against your story, now, I'm just unleashing my post-Christmas-break fury on you. I'm sure you can handle it.
big tears chapter 7 . 1/3/2004
Holy crap. This is... I want to say "Wow!", but I think I've killed that after a year.
It's hilarious, incredibly witty and mean! Don't stop!
merrylyn chapter 7 . 12/27/2003
No! A You-Sue! Too much to bear! Poor Will and Jack! Aiya will their torture never end? *sighs melodramatically*
ShadowReader chapter 7 . 12/22/2003
Oh, please don't let this be the end! I want to see more of it! Mary Sue parodies are always funny! Please, update soon.
Chloe chapter 7 . 12/21/2003
Usually I don't reveiw, but this chapter was utterly hilarious and left me no choice. I love the sense of humor throughout the story, and Will's Legolas line was great. Anyhoo, this is a wonderfully funny story, keep writing!
Chloe chapter 7 . 12/21/2003
Usually I don't reveiw, but this chapter was utterly hilarious and left me no choice. I love the sense of humor throughout the story, and Will's Legolas line was great. Anyhoo, this is a wonderfully funny story, keep writing!
wellduh chapter 7 . 12/9/2003
Actually, Elizabeth would probably be manipulated into being either very evil or very submissive and weepy. Anamaria might be interesting: she's a bit evil already, and as she seems the antithesis of "submissive", I see her as quite hard to mess up.
Thought the "you-Sue" was quite creative. I noticed the popularity of that new style, too. And the Sue-eyes-power actually makes sense... sort of...
wellduh chapter 7 . 12/9/2003
Ah, I wonder what would happen if Elizabeth was thrown into all this?
Thank you for the update! Keep going!
MarieNymph chapter 7 . 12/8/2003
Mwuhahaha! The 'You' Sue! Brilliant! I love how you incorporated this increasingly popular device among PoTC fics into your story...It worked beautifully. Will's "fell voice" comment was amusing too! I hope you continue soon :)
Irael chapter 7 . 12/1/2003
Sheer brilliance. I love this so far. It's so nice to read a fic mocking the amalgym (Sp?) of the Mary Sue I hate so very much. Keep it up!
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