Reviews for Willow
Guest chapter 14 . 8/19/2017
I loved this! I almost cried like 6 times but I loved it!
Kate the Kannibal chapter 14 . 6/2/2007
Cute. Origional to boot. Well written and easy to follow.

Good job.

Jayfeathergirl chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Hello! I'm Squirrelflight, and today I found your story and read the whole story, and I LOVED it so much!

I'm a big sucker for stories of Will/Elizabeth pairings, especially when Will and Elizabeth have a child. Oh, how adorable was Willow? I love the resemblance her name has to Will! It shows that Elizabeth must have been thinking about Will an awful lot. The name she chose for their daughter was so like Will's.

The story made me so sad, that Will and Elizabeth had been seperated for so long! Will had wished for the life of a pirate, the life of the sea. Similar to his father Boostrap Bill. But he still loved Elizabeth, and missed her so much to!

I'm happy he decided to help Elizabeth's father and James Norrington find Elizabeth. It was just like in Curse of the Black Pearl. Will wanted to help Elizabeth at once, and his daughter Willow. You've captured Will's personality perfectly! I love Will!

And Barbossa had a son! His son must have wanted revenge on them for the death of his own father. How awful they where! I was so scared for Elizabeth and Willow. I loved how they met Will's father there, and how he tried to help Elizabeth and his granddaughter. I was horrified when the men threw Willow overboard. Oh they where horribly cruel! I was so scared for Willow!

I love when Willow meets her father for the first time, and how she is rescued. I love that Will is worried for the child's saftey at once, even at that moment he didn't realize that she was his daughter. One of the things I love about Will is his kind personality! I was so glad when Will found his daughter! But I felt so bad for him! He missed nine year's of his daughter's life! But I'm so glad he found her and saved her!

And then they had to rescue Elizbeth from that dreaded dangerous island. I'm so glad they rescued her, but I was so sad at Will's father's death. Bill gave her life to safe Will. I just wish he hadn't died! They'll never forget him!

The last chapter was truely beautiful! What a happy ending! Like Curse of the Black Pearl, this story also had the most beautiful ending possible! The happy family! It was so sweet! Will and Elizabeth are back together once more, with there daughter Willow, and their son James! (I love the name James, in honour of not only James Norrington, but Will's father, the name Will's father chose to go by for a time)

I'm so happy, now Will and Elizabeth will be together, and Will can make up for the time he lost with Willow and be able to be with his son James as he grows up. And Unka Jack will be coming to visit to! Oh what a happy family! I can picture it in my mind. A disney like ending to! I can hear the beautiful love music of Will and Elizabeth in the backround as I read this part in the story. Beautiful!

I really enjoyed this story, so much very! Beautiful, well done! I hope to see another story one time connected to this one, or another POTC story. Well done again, I loved every moment of your story!

-Squirrelflight, the Thunderclan Warrior
Kchan88 chapter 14 . 10/25/2006
This is such a great story with a most perfect ending! I love it, and it was a really original idea as well. Awesome job! Yay for WE!
Love.Heals chapter 4 . 8/13/2006
ohh the plot thickens
Smithy chapter 10 . 11/19/2004
Funny way to inflict humor on our favorite hunky pirate. I can just imagine being a fly on the wall to see that. Boy, what a way to make a little girl laugh. More humor, less death.
Susannah chapter 9 . 8/13/2004
My first pirates of the caribbean fic read, and it's great! I would go and read the rest now, but it's very late/early (depending which way you look at it) and i'm babbling which is never a good sign.

But anyway, good story!

xx Susannah xx
williz chapter 14 . 8/10/2004
AH! I'm speechless! Magnificence! Purely and utterly magnificent! Thank you SO MUCH! I loved it and I will keep it FOREVER!
OceanGirl28 chapter 14 . 5/15/2004
Wow! This was a FANTASTIC story! I loved it. It was written perfectly and the plot was great! :) I hope you write your next POTC Fic!
Anonymous Idiosyncrasy chapter 14 . 2/22/2004
O Yeah! That was awesome! Totally! You rock chicky!
Anonymous Idiosyncrasy chapter 9 . 1/26/2004
1. Oh...I love it, I love it! I could almost hug you! (don't worry, I'll hold back)
2. You are on awesome writer girl! (You should write the screenplay for the next Pirates of the Caribbean Movie.
3. I can't Wait until "Troy" comes out! Orlando's being Paris! (Curse whoever plays Helen)
4. Have you read Rhaphsody, Prophecy, and Destiny, by Elizabeth Haydon? You should if you haven't.
5. Did I tell you I love you? (No, I'm not a lesbian, Thank you. ::huffs::)
ShortHappens chapter 14 . 12/6/2003
Sweet story loved it
TheBotoxChicken chapter 14 . 11/25/2003
I just started reading PotC fics, and I have not been dissappointed in the least! So many great fanfics in one category!

I really liked the whole daughter thing (love the name too) and how Elizabeth ditched Mr. Sexy for a decade. Jack was cool, Liz was cool, and Mr. Sexy was awesome! This fic was pretty much a great one!

You have my support and positive opinion in writing another fanfic for PotC! If you do, I can't wait! See yas later!

-Akemi Akibi a.k.a. A Loyal & Faithful Reviewer
The Forgotten Poet chapter 13 . 11/16/2003
I really, really liked this! Awesome job!
Alexis chapter 14 . 11/16/2003
Aw, that was great!
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