Reviews for Forgotten Memories
Education chapter 4 . 11/28/2015
. Loving the story and I love the way that sesshoumaru has amnesia not many out there and this one I am totally in love with! I vote for ooh this is hard as I would vote for sessXkag and sangXmir
vanilla chapter 31 . 8/19/2011
okay, i like how inuyasha is with kirara, that way he isn't with kikyo or kagome, and the one he loves is in the group. cause think about it, in most sessxkag stories, he made out to be a bad guy and doesn't usually have anyone...

love this story!


catxdog, hehe
vanilla chapter 2 . 8/19/2011
at least in this one inuyasha isn't acting like a total jerk, in alot of the stories he is, i don't like that
my name is paper YAH chapter 41 . 5/26/2008
wat a cute teeny fic.
thegoofballyoucallyourfriend chapter 37 . 8/17/2006
oh yea don't forget to kill Jaken *glares* i hate him sosososososososososo much... have ah-uhn kill him lol that would be funny lol bies!
animegirl17 chapter 17 . 2/5/2006
Just an FYI. Sesshomaru's sword is actually called "Tokijin". That's all.
Mr. Alice chapter 40 . 1/10/2006
This is oo cool! Please update it soon! And Sesshomaru is so makes me wanna squeal.
madamwolf chapter 40 . 1/10/2006
I love this story, took me a good part of two days to finish though. I love fics where Sessy is good. For some odd reason I think he's hotter as a nice guy. (but I'll take Inu over him hehe! What can I say I have a thing fer dog demons.) But anyway I love this please update soon.
Mr. Alice chapter 10 . 1/9/2006
"Wow! This is really amazing! I hope the future chapters are good too. I whole-hartedly compliment your work."
lynn chapter 1 . 11/17/2005
I've been searching for this fanfiction for about three months, yes?, and I'm surprised it hasn't updated... I'm actually really upset. I want to read the rest of this fanfic!so UPDATE IT ALREADY! PLEASE!... oh and by the way i luv yer story, one of the reasons why i continued to look for it...
StarPrincess2020 chapter 40 . 11/7/2005
dwaboutit chapter 40 . 9/20/2005
Yay! please upate!
Deviliscious chapter 40 . 9/9/2005
Hey there! I must tell u, Im hooked! Damn...But please change back Kirara to her neko form. And although I can see where Inuyasha is coming from, he's being too much of the bad guy here and I can't help but start to hate him...I don't wanna hate him!

Btw, a Sesshy/Kag fic is ok by me, but I still would prefer Kags with Inuyasha though I don't see how that will happen with Inu acting like a jerk. I mean...he's not that bad. But then again, it is your story.

However it is, Im still hooked on this. So update soon!
lynn chapter 1 . 8/30/2005
when are you going to update? i have been waiting for an update for the longest time! i can't wait any longer! please update soon!
lynn chapter 40 . 8/8/2005
this is a good story so far, keep up the good work and by the way...UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE!UPDATE
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