Reviews for Cairo Nights
deeply-spaced chapter 13 . 12/8/2006
"You wouldn't hit a man with glasses, would you?"

LOL! And poor Stephen ... barely conrolled rage ... it's perfect. You are so talented! But why did you stop here? Think you might ever finish this wonderful story?

Happy Holidays!
deeply-spaced chapter 12 . 12/8/2006
"Evy? Evy I'm really, really sorry- please, just come out and slap me or something,"

God, I love that part.


And this ...

"Look, I'm not going to lie to you- it will hurt. But it's either that or face a Court Martial. Now drink up!"

LOL! Thank you, thank you, THANK you!
deeply-spaced chapter 11 . 12/8/2006
"Hoo-hah?" Jonathan inquired casually, with a dreadful sense of foreboding.

"Two of the local constabulary blundered into something last night. One's being held at the station, the other is currently sampling the delights of modern Egyptian embalming practices," Hugh said, with a snort of grim amusement.


OMG ... poor Jonathan. Bless him and bless poor little Stephen ... a deserter?

Stephen and Evy ... LOL! Yay! Perfect ... AGAIN!
deeply-spaced chapter 10 . 12/8/2006
Then there was Rupert standing by the piano, sipping a tall G&T. Jonathan didn't know anyone else who drank gin and tonic except his sister, but then again he didn't know any other man who plucked his eyebrows and took an interest in flower arranging either.


Wonderful random little chappie ... love you for writing so well. Bless your heart.
deeply-spaced chapter 9 . 12/8/2006
"'oo've 'ot 'oo puhtect 'ee fom all uh 'ose 'oring old farts," Jonathan said around a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Who's gonna protect you from yourself though, Johnny?"

Jonathan spat into the sink.


ROFLMA! Yay! You are brilliant, you know that? I adore your sense of humor ... and Jonathan's and Stephen's.

And Evy is wonderful here:

"Here, take this," she said, grudgingly handing the money over into Jonathan's grubby mits. "Behave yourself if you can, try to find your way home sometime this side of Christmas, and no cheating!" she said, punctuating each instruction with a jab of her finger.

Once again, I thank you ... you're the BEST at this, I'm sure of it now!
deeply-spaced chapter 8 . 12/8/2006
The attention to detail ... I can see it all so clearly!

... but their sole preoccupation at that moment was to find a soft bed and collapse onto it, so they carried on past the museum, continuing up the bank of the Nile until they reached the Zamalek bridge. They crossed over onto the island where the Carnahans had owned a villa for the last ten years, and headed in the direction of it.

Thank you! I love you.

And this ...

Jonathan set one tentative foot in the hallway...

Spot on! Tee-hee. I could go on and on.

Oh, and did I mention how awful I feel for not reviewing this sooner?

- Sheri
deeply-spaced chapter 7 . 12/8/2006
"When I get my gun back, remind me to shoot you with it."

Poor Stephen. Jonathan knowing German, what a neat little surprise and how charming ... bless his little blithe heart.

And this:

"Come on Casanova, lets get you home before you get us into anymore trouble." Loved it. So Jonathan and so like Stephen to say it.

And this part sums Jonathan up perfectly in my eyes ...

In fact Jonathan hardly seemed to make any use at all of the intelligence he had been born with- not for any legal purpose anyway.

It's all so perfect and I wanted you to know it ... since I still can't believe I didn't review this fic past chapter 5!


deeply-spaced chapter 6 . 12/8/2006
I just saw you updated "The Eye of Horus" and then I got to wandering (short attention span) and I found myself wanting some good Jonathan fic ... so... I clicked on "Cairo Nights" and could not believe I didn't review past chapter 5 of this story!

I am SO sorry! I got sick, went to grad school, had surgery, survived Hurricane Katrina, had another surgery, and then another ... I just feel awful about it.

So here I am reviewing ... finally!

In short ... since I've all ready wasted so much space ... BLOODY BRILLIANT! I adore this chapter ... the banter between Stephen and Jonathan ... just PERFECT! Just ... thank you ... dammit! Really!

- Sheri
folk chapter 2 . 6/28/2006
This is great! I haven't actually seen The Mummy...only The Mummy Returns, ironically...but I remember Jonathan and Stephen sounds interesting :)

I've told you several million times, I'm sure, but I really love your writing style. It has just the right amount of description, characterization, and's like a recipe into which you have to put the correct amount of each ingredient, add a dash of the "something" that only a few writers really have, and...well, post...and get a wonderful result.

Great job! Going on to the next chapter :)
NoV I can't log in chapter 5 . 6/23/2005
...the whole thing collapsed, sending planks and splinters and Jonathan hurtling down into the dust and darkness.

Bloody brilliant writing, you crazy nut!

I love this story! YOU'RE MY HERO!

...and the wind beneath my wings. .
Authors Note chapter 14 . 1/4/2005
As my authors note was removed for 'violating chapter guidelines', I shall put it here instead- cant be bollocked for reviewing my own fic, can I?

I found out something very interesting over christmas, which relates to Cairo Nights...

In chapter 8 I depicted Jonathan bragging that he had been involved with Marlene Dietrich, and so as not to upset anyone I put a disclaimer in the author’s note, saying ‘I do not own Merlene Dietrich, and mean her no disrespect whatsoever! Just thought I'd clear that up in case she has any relatives who want to sue me.’ Well, ironically enough I’ve just found out- I AM A RELATIVE! (No, I’m not making this up!) Turns out that she is my Grandad’s second cousin, so although it’s only a very distant connection, and I don’t think any of my family have ever met her, I just thought it was funny (especially considering how randomly I picked her to use in my chapter, and then what I wrote in my AN! And no, I don’t plan on suing myself).

Anyway, I thought I'd put that here just in case anyone stumbled across it and found it as interesting and amusing as I did. probably not though. Oh well *sigh*

cheery bye!
deeply-spaced chapter 5 . 12/6/2004
This chapter was the best so far!

Jonathan dodged it deftly, barely missing his once white trousers, and put his thumb to his nose and waggled his fingers like a school boy taunting a tiger through the bars. Except there were no bars to protect him here.

"Come on you smelly little bugger..." he whispered to himself.

"Er, Johnny? I really think you're backing the wrong horse there..." Stephen's eyes were wild and staring, his knees beginning to quiver at the sight of Khalid almost upon them.

Jonathan motioned towards something with his eyes and a few quick jabs of the head. Stephen's brows knitted in confusion, then the light dawned. So he wasn't just a brainless twerp, he really did have a plan!

And this was just perfect... the timing impeccable!

Jonathan went back to considering the situation at hand, tapping his forehead with the effort of thinking. Finally he threw his hands up with a defeated gesture.

"Sod it, lets just break in somewhere."

"You can't 'just break in somewhere' you nitwit! Round here they chop your hands off for that!"

And poor Jonathan falling through the rotten wood! Bloody brilliant, this chapter!


deeply-spaced chapter 4 . 12/6/2004
Your descriptions of Jonathan and his facial expressions are spot on! And poor Stephen not knowing what Jonathan was up to for a split second!

Stephen stared back, open mouthed and furrow browed, not sure whether to take him seriously or not. He looked so menacing, so angry, so thoroughly un-Jonathan-like. What on earth had happened to the mild mannered English fop everyone knew and loved? He gaped at him in shock and bewilderment, struggling to form some sort of sentence, his slack lips mouthing silent syllables in the manner of a particularly imbecilic goldfish.

I SO love Jonathan's ideas!

Jonathan began to see how this might be to their advantage, and with a bit of cunning turn three groups into two.

"Hold on Stevie, I've got an idea."

Go Jonny Go!


deeply-spaced chapter 3 . 12/6/2004
Yes! These two are hilarious together! Stephen is turning out to be almost as funny as our fave ne'er do well brother! This was especially funny:

Jonathan couldn't retort this time because he was racked with spasms of giggles himself, bright red in the face and rolling around in the dust, dung and detritus of the gutter. He let out a howl of laughter, uncurling himself to lie flat in the road, spread eagled, gazing vacantly up into the sickly orange city sky.

And gazing straight into a dark, angry looking face.

"Oh, bloody hell..." Jonathan whispered, seeing the pale uniform and insignia of the Cairo city police. "Hello ossifer!" he slurred, lapsing into giggles again.

Thank you again for another wonderful chapter!

deeply-spaced chapter 2 . 12/6/2004
This just keeps getting better and better!

Suddenly the rickety card table was nearly turned over by the reactions of the three men. Jack pulled a Smith&Wesson, Billy pulled a Derringer, Jonathan pulled a hamstring trying to scramble out of the way.

How perfect is that? You have such a vivid and wonderful imagination and you've captured Jonathan's voice perfectly! I find myself laughing out loud and I love you for it!

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