Reviews for Might as Well
Leia chapter 1 . 10/17/2016
I know this is extremely late but I absolutely adore this story. So beautifully written. Love how you've written Fulton's backstory and how Dean loves him so much
Snickers and Birdly chapter 17 . 7/19/2010
I liked the subtle newsies jist thing in this last one. Such a sweet story
Joyful chapter 12 . 3/27/2007
I caught the older brother comment. I still can't believe it's been 4 years since you wrote this, and I never finished it all before! *hangs head in shame* I suck.
Joyful chapter 8 . 3/27/2007
You make me happy. *parties*

I'm gonna revive the MD-slashers!
Joyful chapter 5 . 3/27/2007
Dancing Portman, or dancing Mush? Heh. The Drama club should put on Newsies.

Sorry, I'm rereading all your fics at the moment.
Beloved chapter 17 . 1/18/2005

the boys!

please! don't separate my boys!
Beloved chapter 8 . 1/18/2005

i tis very very happy!
Saturniia chapter 10 . 10/31/2004
*laughs at Fulton's description of Guy's brother*

Really good in-joke, there. Dunno if Elden ever actually kicked his brother's ass, let alone on "a regular basis", but he looks like he could. All in all, I like this chapter. It's interesting that you made Julie the 'phobe.
ShimiAdam chapter 17 . 10/31/2003
::Falls over breathing heavily:: Truly an excellent piece, I actually read the whole thing, it only took me about a month or so with all the distractions. Generally I don't like slash, unless I'm just screwin' around with the guys, but I actually enjoy your slash ficion. You're an awesome writer hun, and you are a better descriptive writer than me, so don't even think about stopping.

Ai Shiteru,

erisnymph chapter 5 . 8/30/2003
you know, i had to review before i continued with the story. im not a big slash fan, but hey, when i rewatched the ducks movies i had the same thought you did (as you said in a later chapter's author note) about the bash brothers. :) but then again... dancing portman- just watch the newsies.

aaron lohr... the kid was ripped when he was fourteen. six pack and all, and hey, when i was nine and saw the movie for the first time, i was diggin mush. :) dancing portmans for us all.

like i said, im not big on slash, but youve got me hooked, so i think ill get back to reading now.
QteCuttlfish chapter 17 . 8/15/2003
*glares* That was a *horrible* place to end this! *sigh* Sequels. _

Seriously though, that fic rocked! I love the Fulton/Portman pairing! And you did an excellent job of writing it!
unnamed chapter 17 . 8/14/2003
'"Something I really needed. New boots!"

"With matching laces," Fulton added, grinning. Dean gave him a funny look.'


"Newsies"! I knew it HAD to be in there somewhere... Just ain't right without it!

::walks off singing "King of New York"::
Grasshopper chapter 11 . 8/6/2003
Aww...Scarlett's right, that's *so* sweet.

...and being dirty can be good. Keep it up!
Grasshopper chapter 10 . 8/6/2003
Yeesh...more 'phobic-Connie. She's such a great character to work off of in cases like this.

And it's a *very* good thing that they can stand up for themselves.
Rochelle B2 chapter 17 . 8/2/2003
Uh...I'm the only one here at the moment, but I'm sure Sele and Soli will be around eventually.

Can I just say Jon Bon Jovi is really hot for a man of his age? It's almost scary. (And he took off his shirt and there was hip thrusting and booty shaking and...god I love concerts.)

I loved this chapter, but the ending can kiss my ass. Yeah, you heard me, the ending can kiss my ass, I hated it, you're setting us up for angst I won't stand for it. *Sits in the computer chair and sighs* On that note, I'm glad they had that happy hotel moment before it all got shot to hell, otherwise I might be really mad at you, and if I were really mad I there anything I could do that you would consider really bad?

Tammy is what, Fulton's drinking buddy? *Snorts* That girl does look like she could toss a few back and not blink. Spiked the punch...I bet it was Tammy. MMhmm, I wouldn't put it past her.

Heh. Alright, I'm out, I have stuff to write.
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