Reviews for The Political Ethos
Guest chapter 16 . 8/17
Thatonecomment chapter 16 . 9/21/2019
Will you ever update this story again? I’ve peobably asked this already but, I want to see more of this, I think it’s great. I understand if you decide not to but, just know there are people who want to see what else you have in store for this story. Well whatever you choose good luck with it and, goodbye.
Johnny YAZ PAPA chapter 16 . 8/1/2019
Dis good stuff I will commit happy mexican noise *DaMe Tu CaSITA
Anooooonymous chapter 16 . 6/7/2019
I read your whole story so far, I’m kinda sad it probably won’t continue since it’s been like eight years or so since you had last updated the story. If you ever think about it, would you be able to finish it? If you can’t, that’s completely understandable. If it doesn’t happen I know you have reasons for it. Well bye then, have a good day/night and a good luck to any future projects you have.
NoXVZhuusox chapter 16 . 12/17/2018
I see that this fanfic isn't completed and looks like you won't continue this. May I ask how you planned to end this fanfic?
EndlessShadow chapter 1 . 8/6/2016
After reading just the first chapter, I can already tell that this story is a HUGE improvement over TG. I laughed more between Katt and Falco's interactions more than I did in the past week! If people aren't going to read this story due to it being an M/M, then they are honestly missing out. The humor of this has been perfect so far, and they are missing a great fanfiction.
MythicWolf04 chapter 16 . 6/25/2016
So for the past week I've been reading this story and Tyrant's Grip, and I have to say, this has been the most enjoyable fanfiction that I've ever read! The storyline is amazing and in depth, you manage to keep the personalities of all of the characters in check without going OOC, with original characters with amazing personalities mixed in! Now, I'm sorry to see that almost eight years ago, this story was abandoned on the last chapter. I usually see stories that are abandoned within five or six, but this one probably pained me the most to see. I loved everything about this story, and we never get a proper resolution, which is a real shame. One of my favorite stories never got a true ending. Otherwise, it was a perfect story, and maybe you could come back and try? It's just one chapter. Don't leave us in the dark.
Fox1047 chapter 16 . 2/2/2016
What a cliffhanger! Holy smokes!
What an interesting storyline! The characters are all so well developed, and it doesn't feel like the new characters are out of place at all in the StarFox world!
Incredible believability; the characters are very well developed and have many layers to their personality. Incredibly good writing!
My opinion echoes those of quite a few others: Continue.
Even if you don't, I'm actually surprisingly not dissatisfied at all! As much as it's a cliffhanger, it has a strong sense of resolution and that this conference is the beginning of another story! Very open to interpretation, which is both aggravating and freeing.
Love your writing and storyline; bravo! Keep it going!
Chaor Nightshade chapter 16 . 10/7/2014
Noooooooo, you left at a cliffhanger D: I really love the story, but I'm sad to see that you were one chapter away to finishing and you haven't updated for years. This was an awesome story.
N chapter 16 . 9/11/2014
It's been long, but it needs to be updated! (Unless this is where it ends) in which case, I can only hope for a sequel, but I sadly doubt it :p
PaleAngel90 chapter 6 . 9/3/2014
LOL, this was a funny chapter
PaleAngel90 chapter 5 . 9/3/2014
I expected Wolf to be the top partner in the relationship, not the bottom, but well...
PaleAngel90 chapter 4 . 9/3/2014
Finally Wolf and Fox got into bussiness lol
PaleAngel90 chapter 3 . 9/3/2014
I knew something like that might happen, poor Wolf...
PaleAngel90 chapter 2 . 9/3/2014
Good chapter, new threat arises?, exciting, yet I havent seen Wolf and Fox declare to one another and start a relationship
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