Reviews for Harry Potter and the SCP foundation
redwolf23456 chapter 2 . 7/29
Great story so far
Rairi Valelira chapter 2 . 7/28
zero fullbuster chapter 2 . 7/28
Love it.
Please write more.
A guest chapter 2 . 7/24
Yo, what is with the confounding plot?
I've seen a lot of Op!Harry Books in my life, and this is not new but a literal SCP-001!Harry is something that will give me nightmares because reading this scarred me (not scared but now, this convoluted plot scarred is on my brain now, damnit)

I would compliment the readers from now on for trying to plow through this mess of a book and plot.

And how did the Foundation not know about the magical world? They're an international NGO power (non-government organisation) that deals with the anomalous side of the world. If they can expand to space and study the multiverse with the Multi-U sector which specifically does what I said earlier. I'm pretty much sure they already know about it.

And in the SCP Universe, they already know about Thaumatology (Definition of thaumatology
: doctrine, discussion, or study of the *performing of miracles*) or in other words: *magic*
If you want, just search thaumaturgy or thaumatology on the SCP-wiki search index and you'll find several pages and discussions of it.

Also, the Foundation knows about ICSUT aka The International Center for the Study of Unified Thaumatology of the GOC and had mentioned them in several documents. ICSUT is a 'progressive' magic school/University that is apart of the 108 groups that make up the GOC, and have several branches across the world. in the sense that they use technology, as for the British magical world they're still in the middle ages when it comes to using magic.

Plus the logic in this book and how it's portrayed in, it gives me migraines

Anyways, I hope that you take some criticism please, this thing is not *yet* atrocious in my standards, so you can still salvage the plot before it becomes an even worse of a trainwreck than it is.

I've got several more things to add but now, I'm just drained for everything. I'll make a seperate comment later on how you can improve as well as pointers if you'd like.
BoredKing chapter 2 . 7/23
And immediately with the leaps of logic, please stop. There is nothing that kills a story more effectively than leaps of logic.

"Cosmic beings who want to be your girlfriend" is honestly hilarious.

Interesting? choice on making 173 into a girl. That thing is honestly too creepy.

I like your premise but your writing is bad, I'm not trying to be mean or rude or anything like that. Ignoting all the horrendous leaps in logic, all your dialogue are just info dumps and everything else just feels rushed or like more info dumps.

You have a neat idea but you need to redo this story and pace yourself. Have Harry slowly acclimate to his new situation, show things from his perspective, show us his flashbacks to before when he was SCP 001 originally, and make his interactions more detailed and meaningful. And I'll say again because it is a major issue of yours, STOP WITH THE LEAPS OF LOGIC.
BoredKing chapter 1 . 7/23
Your English needs work. Its complicated to explain since its minor things that are compounded until it makes no sense. In basic terms, you need stop using words like since or after when there isn't a cause and effect relationship.I would recommend rereading your work out loud before posting it you are fluent in English you should see the problem. If not find someone who does or look for a beta.

Why would Harry say his name is Freak if he know its Harry Potter? You should've had him say Harry Potter if he knew what it was. Its pointless to have him say Freak if he is just going to immediately say Harry Potter seconds later.

And there is no way Harry is the only Harry Potter in the whole world, maybe the magical but not in the muggle world, so the guard assuming Harry is the Harry Potter is ridiculous since he works in a muggle organization and should realize that much, even if he is a wizard.

How would the gurad even begin to think that the scar is a hocrux within seconds of seeing him? That's the most ridiculous thing I've read so far and honestly the only reason I'm continued reading is because this premise is interesting and I want to see what you do with it.

"a dark lord is someone who studies dark magic" is an asinine comment. No seriously, that comment is nothing but stupid. That comment implies anyone who has studied dark magic is automatically a dark lord. So Dumbledore (he would of had to studied dark magic to know what a hocrux is), every single death eater, and heck even the guard in this story explaining everything would classify as dark lords? See the issue?

You say one thing and then immediately way something that counters it. Like the guard says magic users only see thing in light or dark then immediately say there is a third area called gray.

Honestly the whole explanation from the guard is so stupid and dragged out, not to mention unnecessary. He makes so many leaps of logic and guesses that he has no reason to or should be making that it makes me cringe. Anyway SCP is a massive organization that deals with monsters, i think they would of known about the magical world.
Kilare T'suna chapter 1 . 7/22
Your grammar structures need work. But overall it has potential
Dylan-A-Friend chapter 1 . 7/21