Reviews for Restorative Justice
darkwanderer chapter 1 . 7/25
Love it!
SunshineMLB chapter 1 . 7/22
This is my first encounter with a community circle, very neat application! Chloe's point of view is perfectly written and a pleasure to read from - I love the idea that she knows identities and might do something good with that knowledge!

Thank you for teaching and for using this technique at school to go after kids hearts, blessings to you and yours!
Jane the fan chapter 1 . 7/20
Poor Ladybug...Chloé is coming for her!
I understand Chloé circles aren’t for everyone, sadly.
I can wait! Don’t worry!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
This story is amazing. Update when you can.
KiernaRo chapter 1 . 7/20
I love this idea and how Chloe is smart enough to figure out the secret identities! Cannot wait to see what she tries and how she grows.
leafgreenflower chapter 1 . 7/20
I really like the idea of this fic. I admit I'm with Chloe - community circles are great, but these are not the people I want to feel safe with and that's a choice I hate having taken away from me. I love though that she knows, and is turning her attention to some kind of action.
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 1 . 7/20
My damn feels are in flux and I crave more!
Dark chapter 1 . 7/20
This an amazing work. I am a teacher myself. I live in a country torn by civil war and other big countries meddling to take their share while we , the people, suffer the most. I would love to implement this strategy if I get proper training for it. Sadly, I don’t think we have any sort of training in that field. Many people fled the country. The first to go where the most efficient and trained specialists in every big major.
As teachers , we want to help this new generation grow to be the saving grace of themselves and our country. It’s so hard. Most of the time I feel like my efforts and hard work is not enough.
Anyway. I will stop rambling now. Can’t wait for this story to be updated. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
This is so good omg
Sean2015 chapter 1 . 7/19
Don't stress about wiether we like your update times, what matters the most is that you look forward to updating! And good story!)