Reviews for Stupid Questions
MasturShake chapter 1 . 19h
Oh man this was GREAT! I love your stories
BlackLadybug225 chapter 1 . 7/21
Wow a new Azureshipping fic! I squealed right away when I saw this, and you wrote it so very nicely~ Thank you for sharing the goodness!
SenselessNonsense chapter 1 . 7/20
When I came back to the fandom a few months back and started to like Azureshipping (on my teens I used to ship Trustshipping harder) this is the fic I was actually looking for (a romance starting while aboard the blimp) and was disappointing when I did not find it. I was like "this is impossible, there should be a fic with that prompt somewhere" and apparently that somewhere was your hard drive haha. Im very happy you decided to publish this piece! It was awesome and I loved it! Now I can finally rest in piece, haha!