Reviews for Going Public
QuinnAbrams chapter 20 . 8/4
I loved this chapter and how long it was! I loved at the very beginning when you wrote “her Artie”! SO cute! I also liked the little details of his mannerisms and movements while comforting her. I thought it was so sweet when she asked him how he was able to deal with the anniversary every year, as well as the way that he was quick to assure her that his situation was much different from hers. And I liked his comic relief part about how he didn’t think he would enjoy a pedicure very much! I thought you covered Kitty’s tryout beautifully, and I’m so happy that all of her hard work paid off! Our girl is captain! I wonder what Artie will do with/for her to celebrate! Great update!
QuinnAbrams chapter 19 . 8/3
I loved this chapter so much! I loved that Tina thought that all three of Kitty’s brothers were cute, and I liked that Hunter had gotten into Brown, but didn't go after their mother passed (and that Kitty was quick to interrupt before he could tell Tina that). Artie enthusiasm for visiting the campus was contagious, and I loved his introduction to Doug. Sam and Kitty’s excitement over seeing another guy in a chair was adorable. I loved when they visited the dorms and Sam begged Artie to let him be his roomie (as if Artie could ever say no to him!), and I thought that the way Sam explained Artie’s decision to the RA as either becoming the next Phelps or Spielberg was amazing! I thought it was so cute that Artie, Collin & Logan had planned a little surprise party for Kitty, but I understand why it would upset her. I’m hoping that Artie can cheer her up! :) Great chapter!
QuinnAbrams chapter 18 . 8/2
Ah I loved this one! It was well worth me having to wait to read it despite knowing that it was in my inbox! I loved that he was helping her with her routine! His director’s eye is perfect for this situation! I also liked their night swim and that they were *almost* caught by Nancy. I really felt for Artie when he realized that they had left him out of their plans, and I like how protective of him Kitty was- enough to take it into her own hands. I like that she confronted Tina face to face and that Tina admitted that her intentions were not malicious, she was just feeling hurt by Artie. I thought it was cute how Kitty and Tina decided to have a sleepover, and I hope that their shared love of Artie bonds them! Better late than never! Great chapter!
QuinnAbrams chapter 17 . 8/1
I loved this one so much! Artie’s excitement about his new chair was infectious. I liked that Kitty was a little skeptical about sitting in his chair and about going down the ramp at the skate park! I’m happy Artie got to share that part of himself with her. I thought their conversation about cheer camp was so sweet- Artie seemed really excited about Kitty’s opportunity to become captain and he seemed really concerned that he hadn’t been paying enough attention to her, since he hadn’t heard about this beforehand. The ending was super awkward as well! Yikes, I’m on the edge of my seat! Can’t wait to see what’s next!
QuinnAbrams chapter 16 . 7/31
Sooooooo good! All of it! I love Sam joining OSU’s synchronized swimming team, and that he encouraged Artie to check out their programs too! While reading, I could feel the tension when Sam, Blaine, and Tina walked in late and when all of Artie’s friends were debating what his future would hold- yikes! I’m glad that it all seemed to work out in the end, though, and that Artie was so excited about the adapted sports program at OSU (and that he got Amy’s blessing!). I also really liked the moment between Amy, Artie & Kitty when Amy was talking about Artie’s past life as a soccer player, and I thought Kitty’s comment at the end about seeing videos of him playing (when he’s ready) was really sweet. I cant wait to see what’s next! :)
QuinnAbrams chapter 15 . 7/30
I LOVED THIS! Why did I find myself sobbing at Artie’s graduation speech?! It was so perfect and an amazing way for him to honor Finn. His speech’s theme being to be kind to the little guy had me bawling! Also! Best graduation present ever! I agree that Artie deserved a new chair throughout the show’s run (though I am glad he lost the armrests in the later seasons!), and I would expect nothing less than for him to have a Pinterest board labeled “Sexy Wheels”! I hope we get to see him and Kitty going to pick up the new chair and take it for a test drive! I also giggled at his comment to her about looking up the origins of the word “lame”. There was so many little details to love about this chapter! Great job!
QuinnAbrams chapter 14 . 7/29
Best surprise ending of a chapter ever! I totally did not see that coming, and I was so pleasantly surprised by it! Skylar Astin DOES look too old to be playing a high schooler, anyways... ;) I really liked the edits you made to my stuff! Especially Artie talking about him and Finn’s age difference and Kitty relating to Carole because they both lost immediate family members. And I always welcome an impromptu “Loser Like Me” ballad moment! This chapter was amazing and I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the next couple!
QuinnAbrams chapter 13 . 7/28
What a long and amazing chapter! I loved all of the little details you added into the stuff I wrote! It made it 1000x better! I loved that they were caught in the hotel room by Tina, and the way that Sam acted like their “dad” on the ferris wheel! I also like that Artie freaked out a little when he found out that it was Kitty’s first time :) I thought his reaction was sweet, considering how Brittany didn’t care at all when she took Artie’s v-card. The beach part was my favorite! Artie pulling out a lock and chain was hilarious, and I thought it was sweet the way that Sam brought Artie towards the water while Mercedes and Kitty chatted. Leave it to Mercedes to not sugarcoat anything! I absolutely adored when Artie was sharing his memories of the beach. It made you feel for him, but it also showed how much he had matured at a young age and grown to accept his disability. Great, amazing chapter, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!
QuinnAbrams chapter 12 . 7/28
I loved this chapter! I liked getting to see the little argument between Kitty and Artie- I feel like both sides made some great points, and I don’t even know who I would have sided with! I let out a big sigh of relief when Mercedes offered to get an accessible room for her and Artie- you really felt for him in that scene! I also liked at the ending when Artie and Kitty both apologized to each other and Kitty gave him those ~visuals~! ;) Great chapter, and I can’t wait to see what else LA has in store for them!
QuinnAbrams chapter 11 . 7/27
Great chapter! I really liked how you showed the kids choosing which songs from Finn’s favorites to sing. They’re amazing songs, dong get me wrong, but I always thought that the three they chose were a little random, so I liked that you made up stories behind each of them! I also liked Kitty and Artie’s little banter in front of Sam and his line saying that he was confused and scared! I enjoyed their sweet part at the end (they *do* have all summer, after all! ;) ) and I’m glad they made up... for now! Can’t wait until your next update!
QuinnAbrams chapter 10 . 7/27
Oh man this was a hard one to read :( I really like the way you utilized the stuff I wrote and the fun details you added in about the DVD they watched! So sweet! I liked how you wrote the tribute week and the funeral, especially. Even though we didn’t really get to see it on the show, you did a great job of capturing how each of the characters were effected individually! My favorite part was when Coach Beiste shared the story of Artie and Finn, and when Kitty encouraged Artie by saying that it’s okay for him to cry. You did a really good job with such a hard topic to write about!
QuinnAbrams chapter 9 . 7/26
I’ll start off with the happy part- yay, Artie! I’m glad he gets to be class valedictorian! It was super cute how Sam had positioned himself behind Artie, in case Tina decided to push him again! I also like how he wasn’t too opposed to the idea of making his speech about “overcoming adversity”- that would really throw Bree for a loop!
On to the sad stuff now... Ugh the ending was so heartbreaking! I like that Kitty was more effected than she’d thought she’d be, even though her and Finn weren't very close, probably because the sudden loss reminded her of her mom. And I really liked that Artie went back to the port-a-potties where Finn had saved him. :( The part about him silently sobbing into Kitty’s arms physically broke me, as did when he was rereading their texts and recalling their last conversation. I like that he asked Kitty how she went about everyday after losing her mom, insisting that the loss of his legs was just a small price to pay for himself. And the rain made it sadder :( You did a really nice job covering a very difficult topic!
QuinnAbrams chapter 8 . 7/26
Refreshed my email and the alert for this chapter was here, and I couldn’t help myself! I absolutely loved this one from start to finish! Probably one of my favorites so far. I loved the way Kitty got second-hand embarrassment from the duet and that Sam was quick to accompany poor Artie to the nurse so that he could have extra time with Nurse Penny. I also thought it was funny when Kitty clarified that the “raging psycho chick” in question was not her, at least not this time! I liked when Artie scolded her about being careful when dissembling the chair and hand controls, and I thought it was sweet how she was strict about him studying, but also the first person to cuddle with him when his medication made him sleepy. You really felt for her at the end! I cant wait to see what’s next!
QuinnAbrams chapter 7 . 7/25
Ugh Bree is the worst! Contrary to popular belief, Kitty WAS trying to do something nice- Tina should’ve been grateful! I really liked Tina and Kitty’s little fight in the hallway after she overheard her and Artie’s convo (the line where she said she was crazy about him- swoon!). And I also liked Kitty & Artie’s conversation “under the stars” where she congratulated him on standing his ground, then begged him not to make a wheelchair pun, which she knew he would (Artie’s self deprecating humor strikes again)! Can’t wait for the next update!
QuinnAbrams chapter 6 . 7/24
There was so much to love about this chapter! To start off I loved Kitty remembering to mention Artie’s chair to Raven (and how he immediately noticed she had), and how Kitty said how old-school and chivalrous Artie is- SO SWEET! I loved that Raven also mentioned something about his hand controls and I thought it was cute that Artie insisted he would get them there safely. I thought the comment about how Artie would never spike the punch bowl- having nearly died in an accident himself- was very much needed (why didn’t the show think of that?)! I think my favorite part has to be the surprise ending, right? I totally did not see it coming, but I am so excited by it! Can’t wait to see what you have planned!
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