Reviews for Survivor's Testament
gphoenix51 chapter 1 . 7/23
Well this guy sounds pissed, gonna be interesting following him around the wasteland.
Ivan Ivanovich chapter 1 . 7/19
Interesting start. Now, where does it go from here? How much of this is PTSD and how much is really him?
If he really hated Nora, why marry her and stay together to have a kid? Gonna seriously affect his motivation...
blokrokker chapter 1 . 7/18
mastergamer98007 chapter 1 . 7/18
Hell of a way to come back after 6 years.
Ranubis chapter 1 . 7/18
Aw, sweet! Already in love with Mr. “Highly Improbable Variety Of Skills” and his befuddlement on why people would want him to speechify. As someone who’s just reinstalled 4 and has been looking for Live Another Life-style mods seeing a MC who isn’t all that invested in the main storyline (“Oh right, Shaun! Meh.”) is a refreshing change of pace. Excellent start to my new favorite F4 story, thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Flipout6 chapter 1 . 7/17
I already love this so far and I'm on board for any more if you decide to write it. I love that this guy hated his wife, because it makes a good insult to the imposed, enforced backstory the game gives you. And, of course, your lead is *bleeding* personality and entertaining derangement, which time and again is what keeps me and others coming back to read your stuff (I re-read Wanderer's Diary just the other week, as a matter of fact.)