Reviews for My life as ash
Sakra95 chapter 1 . 9/28
I don't care how much aura you have a four months old baby cannot have the necessary movement to get out of the house to go the forest to feed wild pokemon unless you are a god or demon.
OriksGaming chapter 1 . 9/27
I think this might be the biggest amount of huge red flags I've seen in the title and summary of any fanfiction, so kudos for that I suppose. None of these warnings are at all unwarranted, and I honestly only clicked out of curiosity. I wish I hadn't. The improper punctuation, halting flow of words, exceedingly short chapters, many parentheses, and numerous numbered lists make immersion all but impossible.

The entire first chapter was just you listing everything you hated about the Pokémon anime and world, as well as making it extremely clear that your character is going to get just about everything he wants with little effort. All self-inserts, and to an extent all fanfictions, are wish fulfillment; but this takes the cake.
American Oligarch chapter 6 . 9/17
Im really liking the story so far! I normally don't read SI fanfics. I like the way you improved Ash's character a fuck ton. I also like how you go more in depth with the aura stuff, it really makes things more interesting. Keep up the good work!
SadFan chapter 68 . 9/12
F, now I can’t wait to see what happenes next TTTT
FanfictonLover32223 chapter 20 . 9/10
dragon ball
justlovereadin chapter 65 . 9/8
what do u mean extra long chapter that was the same as always
stylo1 chapter 59 . 9/8
unalive you... te fuck is wrong with you
stylo1 chapter 52 . 9/8
oh i forgot to mention that apparently all women wil drop their panties for him even though he is just an 10 year old that looks a little older. that and you seem under the impression that headpats is the way to a womans heart
stylo1 chapter 52 . 9/8
much of this story you have been praising how great ash is, which he really isnt, he is an arrogant douchebag who can barely say an intelegant thing even if what he is trying to say is right.

you do realize this is an SI right thus you've basicly been preeching how great you yourself are... talk about narcissism
stylo1 chapter 28 . 9/7
seems rather stupid to skip the excavation with real life fossil pokemon the biggest of them being erodactyl
stylo1 chapter 17 . 9/5
dragon dance is not an attack but a power up move
stylo1 chapter 16 . 9/5
a gaint pokemon is an illusion or a robot.
i gues you've never heard of the king gene
stylo1 chapter 11 . 9/5
maybe in your fantasy there was no team rocket in mt moon but in anime there most def was.

perhaps there is more wrong then just illiteracy
stylo1 chapter 10 . 9/5
damian was not a cerulian but at a midway pokecenter
stylo1 chapter 9 . 9/5
i truly cant help but wonder where you learned english or even learned about the latin alphabet, the punctuation is nearly the same for all those that use this. so either your native tongue is from arabic cyrrilian or some asian language as there is no possible way any native to latin would write this badly.
hell translator sites do better work then this
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