Reviews for Assignment: Snowhound
mel2932 chapter 1 . 7/20
What a clever twist to this story. I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
Hutch-is-gorgeous chapter 1 . 7/16
Your story reminded me that quite some time ago I did read someone else's one (can't remember the name of it or where I saw it) where the dog was a guardian angel or something similar to that.

Still, both stories have their differences, and I love how in yours you use music to describe how Hutch and Starsky are feeling! Also, having times when I'm hypervigilant-even if I didn't, I adore how in your story, how after Hutch's horrible ordeal of being kidnapped, beaten, and strung out on heroin and the following withdrawal, that even though Starsky is highly affected by it too, Hutch is hypervigilant. And that's how come he can see the dog when Starsky doesn't. Although eventually he does.

Great comedic sentence: I was so cross with my superior I could have barked…er, screamed…with frustration.

End note: There have been a few times where I don't think it was hypervigilant but God who providentially kept me from being harmed.
Nancy chapter 1 . 7/14
Loved this story. A beautiful take and twist. I enjoy the perspective of another's thoughts on our boys. Awesome! Thank you.
debruscher chapter 1 . 7/14
Very cute
Hummina chapter 1 . 7/14
What a wonderful take on this story! I LOVE that you went in this direction with that spotted dog!
sandybeliever chapter 1 . 7/14
What a great idea for a story. :)