Reviews for The Exo Hero
Jujugol chapter 1 . 7/19
Considering how much interested is Erhard about the designs of armors, weapons and any ironwork as a blacksmith, i wonder how would be his reaction to see Cayde-6, as he is an Exo, and considering his artificial anatomy, perhaps Erhard could be thrilled with the appearance of Cayde, as if he was a living workmanship, and even could asks him a lot questions about him, like if Erhard was a fan and Cayde-6 a celebrity. This could be funny XD
OnePunchPlayer chapter 1 . 7/21
Guardian-player. I'm still here so don't give out from not updating this Destiny crossover, yes?

Keep it up.

Be Brave.

(let 'me'/'us' know and share out your concerns for new ideas here in the forging of this different [ Flower Game ] crossover over on PM. I'm a bit lost now over the progress and events here from shortened memory). [ chuckling sheepishly ]
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16
Also, considering that in the next chapter the heroes would introduces themselves and learns that each one comes from a different world and in the case of Naofumi, Motoyasu and Ren a different Japan, perhaps they finally accepts that Cayde says the true and they accepts that he is a human, especially for the prospect of thinks that the world of Cayde comes from is clearly a futuristic world, they can accepts that in this world, the robotic science and medic science are so advanced that the people could creates the Exos, advanced robots with a very complex AI, and even that is possible transfers a human mind to an Exo, making that they can finally believes that Cayde is a human being in the body of an advanced robot.

Also, considering the funny reaction of Cayde for learns that in Melromarc don't exists the Ramen, a japanese dish, could even makes the other heroes thinks that maybe Cayde isn't only a human with robot body, but also they thinks that he is japanese, especially for the fact that Naofumi, Motoyasu and Ren are japanese.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
I can’t wait to see the false charges seen.
tomahawkESP chapter 1 . 7/16
Ren sees Cayde crying about Ramen and then he says, “I retract my earlier statement, you are definitely human.”
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13
I love fics with Cayde as main
since you know what happned in peace buddy
GunGunMissile chapter 1 . 7/13
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13
Great chapter, i really liked that someone finally includes Cayde-6 like one of the four legendary heroes, personally i was wondering why he was never chosen like a legendary hero, after all, to be death, Cayde could be chosen like the three stooges, making him fitting like a candidate to be resurrected like a legendary hero.

Also, i wonder how much difficulties would has Cayde-6 in comparison with the Guardians legendary heroes of the other crossovers, because Cayde lost his ghost, while the other Guardians in the other stories, still has their ghost, allowing them a lot advantages like self-regeneration, scanners, and even other access to the class up through their ghosts, like an useful alternative to the dragon hourglass, especially to considers the attempts of the king and the church for bans the shield hero

Also, i liked as this is the first crossover that includes an Exo like a legendary hero, as the other stories only put humans and awoken guardians, making interesting see the possibles interactions and opinions of the other three heroes regarding Cayde-6 for be an Exo, especially as they still see him like a robot, would be cool that they, particulary Naofumi, would learns more about the Exos, like that they aren't simples robots, and even some of them like Cayde, are actually human beings in the body of a robot. And i wonder if the bigots and racists of Melromarc would still considers Cayde an demi-human for be an Exo, or the explanation of Cayde could makes them thinks that Cayde says the true and he is a human, with an artificial body, especially to considers that Cayde is the bow hero, one of the worshipped heroes of melromarc, and also for the fact that the ritual never summons any non pure human like a legendary hero.

And also, i wonder what would happens regarding to the so called party members brought by the king for the three sacred heroes, but considering that even if Cayde-6 already explained what is an Exo, to considers that most of this adventurers, especially the so called party of Itsuki, are bigots and hates the demi-humans, perhaps they still considers Cayde like a demi-human for his body and our loved Exo ends similar like Naofumi; without party, after all they are bigots, making that the explanation of Cayde 6 can't changes their minds, and i prefers this, because Mald and the other so called patners of Itsuki are nothing but bigots and selfish people, and someone noble like Cayde would never get along with them. And even if some of this bigots reluctancy chose Cayde like their hero, i vote that our Exo would rejects them, as to be a hunter, Cayde could be very analytical and see something suspecting and sinister regarding his so called patners, and maybe as way to get rid them, he put like excuse that they needs proves that are strong enough to be his patners, and makes a test of strengh, where Cayde would kick their asses, to kick them out.

And to finishes, i hope that Cayde would helps and supports Naofumi when he would be falsely accused, after all to be a Guardian, Cayde is a protector and he don't fears anyone, making that to see the injustice in the trial, he would sides with Naofumi, and to considers his skills like Hunter, Cayde even could see through the charade of Bitch, like her so called sadness and despair, adding that Cayde could notes that her physical description don't fits with the normal victim of rape, to considers lacks of any injury or scratches in her, and also he could finds fishy her accusation regarding that Naofumi was drunk, because if he was drunk, Naofumi should be confused, with lack of balance and with headache in the courtroom, the normal syntomphs of drinks a lot. And even he could see the moment when the Bitch stick out her tongue to mocks Naofumi, leaving clear to Cayde-6 that Naofumi was framed, and our Exo would supports the shield hero in this trial.

To be honest, even if you planned that this fic was an one shot, i hope that you can updates another chapter in this story, and turn it in a full story than one shot, because it has potential.

Keep the good job.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13
This is awesome! Continue this great history!
DivineWhiskey chapter 1 . 7/14
Hm, I wonder if cayde will try to make a revolver and get the bow to absorb it?
ksgrip chapter 1 . 7/13
I like the premise but I cannot help but get annoyed at the rest of characters. By the way, Cause doesn't speak that much so in order to make him more believable make shorter explanations.
Fall2Glory chapter 1 . 7/13
I for one welcome Our New Robotic Overlord
Victor John Foxfire chapter 1 . 7/13
Wow. I had a similar Idea, but never got my ass to creating it. It basically had Cayde as the Bow Hero as well, but certainly dialed back on the humor compared to this.

I mean, I can't believe I forgot Cayde loves Ramen... Which kinda means he'd be excellent friends with Naruto, if they ever meet... But point is, finding out there's no Ramen, followed by his hammy freakout, really made my Night.
Rubicowl chapter 1 . 7/13
Finally I've been waiting for one these
drmcgraw186 chapter 1 . 7/13
Please continue, I'm liking this version of a bow hero.

I already want to see him and Naofumi in a drinking contest [Cayde will lose but it be fun to watch it happen][the real question is can he out drink Sadeena or Shidina]

If he has any guns on him the bow should be able to copy them giving him access to them [guns are a subset of a bow primitive flint lock muskets can be found in the kingdom of Faubrey]
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