Reviews for The Peacemaker: Give Me Some Time
Lee chapter 1 . 8/2
Ah, the parallels. Some nice thoughts here.
Yes I can understand why Dean wanted nothing to do with the creeps who tortured Sam... and I can understand why Sam would be convinced that he was obliged to put that aside (somehow!) for the greater good.
Obi Gamin chapter 1 . 7/28
"...he swallows the horror of Toni Bevell..." Yeah I hate that Sam thought he had to do that but I get it. How many times have those boys had to swallow horrors. You really show how you get where they both are coming tough for both of them.
JazzyIrish chapter 1 . 7/28
I really enjoyed this trilogy of POVs concerning Mary's actions around these episodes. I didn't sympathize with Mary one iota when she ditched her boys to work with the BMOL. I think you did a wonderful job of showing us how this affected both brothers, but especially Dean's feelings because he had always looked up to her and now wanted her to get to know her grown sons. Mary told Dean when she came back that she never wanted her sons to be hunters; yet for all her rationalizations, she left them to hunt with others. The writers really screwed up this returning character when they could have done so much better. I was happy to see her leave - but not how the writers killed her off. These short pieces were very good in showing us the motivations of each of the characters. You know them so well. Thanks for sharing this with us. Until next time...
Katlover98 chapter 1 . 7/26
Wow, so emotional and raw, poor Sam, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Loved it
Jan chapter 1 . 7/21
Love Sam's pov and feel for him. Who else would get past being tortured so cruelly. It's so in character though that he would be thinking of the greater good.
Reidun Col chapter 1 . 7/18
This made me sad all over again. Poor Sam never knew his mother - and Dean knew her only through the eyes of a small child. It would have been so much better for both of them if John had gotten over pretending their mother was hallowed and to-be-avenged and just worked more on being a good parent himself. He had all those years. What a waste.
BloodforInk chapter 1 . 7/18
Good one shot. There was a damn good reason, why it had to be Dean; who went into Mary’s mind in “All Along the Watchtower.”
Because Sam didn’t have that sense of grief, pain and betrayal; which Dean felt towards Mary.
Because Dean had to carry the burden of the mother he remembered-kind, loving without condition, patient- while dealing with
the reality of this strange Woman; who had come back into his life, as an adult.
After all, there’s a reason why Brandon Lee famously said in “The Crow”:
“A child’s first name for God is “Mother.”
Casey chapter 1 . 7/16
Interesting parallel and thoughtful take on those events. I could never swallow my horror of Toni Bevell.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
Ah yes. I'd forgotten just how this felt at the time. I'd forgotten the looks on their faces.
I do remember that Sam and Dean showed (consistently) they were the better persons and we loved them the more for it.
Marlowe chapter 1 . 7/13
Sam the peacemaker. It's so sad but so sweet.

Stupid selfish Mary. Good intentions? She may have convinced herself of that, I don't know, but she should have been smarter and a lot more considerate of her sons and a lot less of an overconfident know-it-all considering she had been out of everything for over thirty years while her sons had been dealing with - literally - everything.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12
Great insight, nice behind the scenes view, thank you
Ginza chapter 1 . 7/13
Poor Sam. I felt so bad for him during all this, both of them really. You showed his POV very well. It surprised me and also didn't when he told Mick he was in, if that makes any sense. I was just grateful they didn't make Sam and Dean fight over it when he told Dean, because we had enough of that in seasons 8-10.
Secretwrittenword chapter 1 . 7/12
Good old Sam, of course he wants both. Problem is he knows Dean will always have his back even going to the ‘enemy’.
shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod chapter 1 . 7/12
Love the parallel between how Sam sees Mary and how Dean saw John, it's very true. And again, they're so in character, Sam knowing how Dean sees Mary and how he's adjusting as they're going along. Nice job!
mandancie chapter 1 . 7/12
I love Sam's POV to this saga. It shows why he went with the Men Of Letters. I always thought that if they had gone to Sam calmly and not hurt Sam, both of them would have signed up to help the MOLs out. Because Sam could talk Dean into anything. The main reason Dean hated the MOLs was because of what they did to Sam while he wasn't there.