Reviews for Swingers: Inuyasha x Sango & Miroku x Kagome!
Shippolover09 chapter 1 . 10/8
I couldn’t finish it. I can understand what they were trying to do. But it was a bit frustrating to totally disregard the characters true feelings and act as if those were never there.
I could have gotten over that but the grammar and flow of the writing made me had to make up words and sentences to make it sound right and I just couldn’t deal. I like the idea. Maybe some editing and a few changes could make this into a great story.
Zero Arashi Uchiha chapter 1 . 9/30
About time someone did another inusan fic! I enjoyed the performance and entertainment. Didn't care much for kagome and miroku. I love inusan thanks wish you could do more
Vegito is King chapter 1 . 8/25
Kagome ended up being portrayed with the worst personality here. It was interesting and I also think Sango and Inuyaha make more sense as a couple.
honter11 chapter 1 . 7/12
I liked it but it would have been better with chapters to each couple or a trio of Inuyasha-Kagone-Sango I hope you put this in another new story but you can also do two stories the first of Pokemon with Ash and May and the second of Digimon with the couple from Tai and Mimi.
Alex-Flyppy chapter 1 . 7/12
Okay, it's rare to find a Lemon-style Inuyasha Fic, even more so that Inuyasha ends up with Sango and Miroku with Kagome.

It is certainly interesting to see this plot twist to the original work.

I hope you can update your Fic soon (Anime Playboy: Bleach Version); Good luck and JaNe.