Reviews for Hope in the Darkness
Dudette Angel Rose chapter 1 . 3/29
Yes Even if Arwen was in the story Aragorn could have wavered
Wrongaboutme chapter 32 . 2/4/2019
well, i am super late to the party. I have to say, brilliant story! it is bittersweet and I like the ending. Thank you for such an amazing writing.
chemistrykim chapter 6 . 2/7/2016
i love this chapter too! squeal!
chemistrykim chapter 5 . 2/7/2016
eewww Grima.. i hate his
chemistrykim chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
great start!
selena chapter 32 . 10/30/2014
wheres the continuation to the story?
gg chapter 1 . 12/27/2013
Beauty isn't everything so wven if arwen was in it he could still choose eowyn but personally I think eowyn is prettier then arwen
dudetterose chapter 32 . 2/25/2012
I have read this story before and it seems different? have you changed it? wasn't aragon more assertive? didn't haldir survive it seems to have losts its appeal. the story line has gone. if you have changed it then it was better before.
Self-Stirring-Cauldron chapter 3 . 2/24/2006
Okay, I am saving your story to my harddrive because I have neither the time nor the energy to read it here but I will review eventually, after I've read the story. Promise.
bb chapter 3 . 8/13/2005
Eyowyn is better the Arwen any day
Dudette Angel Rose chapter 7 . 3/20/2005
helo Eowyn ould beat Arwen in a beauty contest everyday of the week.
JewelsofRohan chapter 32 . 12/18/2004
So cute! I love it.
JewelsofRohan chapter 25 . 12/17/2004
This was cute. I'm really enjoying this.
JewelsofRohan chapter 13 . 12/16/2004
Well, I finally got around to reading your stories. This is great. I'll finish reading it in the next few days.

I love your cute A/E bits! They're so gorgeous.

By the way, in case you were wondering, I'm the Glinmir half of JewelsofRohan (Sam).

I've also just finished exams, so Chapter 17 should be up on No Freedom Without Sacrifice soon.

Thanks so much for all your awesome reviews.

anika chapter 32 . 7/10/2004
I thought your story was written quite well.

However, you often contradicted yourself in your decriptions of the character traits and their actions. Your Eowyn was really nothing more than a stubborn child instead of a proud woman; and your Aragorn lacked the wisdom and self-doubt which define his character.

I also had the feeling that the story wasn't going anywhere, there was no real progress in the relationship between the two main characters; it was like they were having one and the same conversation over and over again in the span of thirty chapters without getting anywhere.

In your first chapter you said that Arwen wasn't in this story and you mention her not once during the whole tale and then you squeeze her in at the very last second and make Aragorn seem even more of a rat bastard by ditching his girlfriend in the course of two sentences. Real bad move.

What I also didn't understand at all is why you moved character locations, with Frodo and Sam being in Minas Tirith etc. Was there a real point to that I wonder?

I'm usually not one to say this because everyone interprets things differently but your story lacked almost everything that makes a good story: continuation, good characterization, tension, humour...I missed all of those. Well at least you had a lot of melodrama in it.
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