Reviews for Hawks-Sensei
Blackdrake chapter 13 . 12h
Seriously, teaching at U.A. is not good for Hawks health.
And I don't even mean his anxiety this time. What is it with this kid and getting their favorite feathered teacher in the hospital? His doctor will throw a fit.
And Hawks will flip out when he hears what kind of stunt his students pulled, during the time of his recovery. More than that, the commission will be mad. After all, his first and foremost mission was to be backup for All might, but now he is in no condition to help him, meaning he will fight All for one and lose his powers, ergo Hawks mission will end in a huge failure.
And I dont want to imagine how they will react to that.
Honestly, the only positive thing about this situation is the fact, that maybe his rising popularity due to his students means, that instead of Endeavour he becomes the number one hero.
That would be freaking hilarious and nothing more than what this flaming prick deserves. Hey, maybe you could let Hawks discover how Endeavour treated his children. I bet than he would take the position.
I know Endeavour tries to redeem himself somehow in the manga at the moment, but still he deserves some kind of payback.

Speaking of payback. I don't want to be in Dabis shoes right now. Because Hawks is pissed and as you stated in the last chapters, he is smart enough to figure out where he hides. He only didn't until now because Dabis actions resulted in more good than bad things. But now? The number Three Hero will be on a warpath.
Really looking forward to it.

Til next time,
StandUpKeepMovingForward chapter 13 . 12h
*returns hug*
Good chapter :D
MissNoir11 chapter 13 . 20h
Hawks just needs a good shower and a nap and possibly a bear hug and a back massage. Heavens know that he deserves them after this train wreak of a camp.
Suba boy chapter 13 . 7/24
I thought that maybe hawks could save midoriyas permanent hand damage but it would probably hinder his development too much
hinatayvonne chapter 13 . 7/24
Ahh I feel ashamed for iguchi but I get it one good deed doesn’t mean the rest of them still don’t hurt and he probably met LoV before hawks still must hurt knowing you helped someone and they went and attack people close to you
Moonstone2003 chapter 13 . 7/24
Damm was this chapter intense, i truly felt my skin crawl when hawks just screeched out of pure desperation, that kind of hit me with just how much the hpsc messed him up, i really just want the UA faculty to find out and TAKE HIM AWAY. Great chapter keep up the incredible work :).

I'm not sure if the comments i send are grammaticaly correct, english is not my first lenguaje. .
Gabisbr10 chapter 13 . 7/24
Hawks é como o irmão mais velho maravilhoso que eu nunca tive e que gostaria (ou talvez não) de ter, isso por que a irmã mais velha aqui, sou eu no caso. E ele totalmente parece que seria o tipo de irmão mais velho ciumento e superprotetor que se recusaria a aceitar que é! Assim como Aizawa se recusa a aceitar que é um super pai galinha dominadora (vivo por cenas Dadzawa). Como sempre é um trabalho esplêndido embora tenha partido meu coração, só não tanto quanto império de tempestade da Sarah J. Massa, mas definitivamente quase lá (e isso é muita coisa), nosso pobre passarinho deve estar se sentindo muito culpado, a vontade é de por em um potinho e guardar esse querido!
Se a liga dos vilões acha que Hawks, nosso querido herói, por enquanto, depenado, vai deixar isso impune então Há Há, eles "podem tirar o cavalinho da chuva" eu vou adorar vê-lo retaliando! Super ansiosa pelo próximo, como sempre.
ChaosHearth chapter 13 . 7/24



MissNoir11 chapter 11 . 7/23
"What are you gonna do, stab me?"
My man is basically asking for it.
StandUpKeepMovingForward chapter 12 . 7/23
*enthusiastic applause*
ViLoza chapter 12 . 7/23
Hawks are too cute when he says children are too cute! My heart is bursting with cuteness and my blood sugar goes up because it's too sweet :3 Please continue!
ChaosHearth chapter 12 . 7/23
*AnGeR gRuMbLeS* FIIINNEEE! HOWEVER, you are still the most badass out of the two of us!

And HEJSNSHABEHASH. I do can BOT wait for the more things to come in future chapters!

[P.S.] Have you read the manga-
Gabisbr10 chapter 12 . 7/22
"Vlad looked miserable the whole time.

Hawks loved it."
"They're all so determined! They try so hard! They like my feathers!"

Vlad peered around him to see Kamakiri cussing out the feather that was chasing him, Kuroiro promising murder, a third of the class looking ready to just fall over and let themselves be taken, and the rest still screaming
Sure," he said slowly. "If that's how you see it."

SIMMM! Eu tinha um sorriso no rosto o capítulo inteiro desde que vi o e-mail! Nunca estive tão feliz pela insônia. Agora, essas partes destacadas? Em plena madrugada eu tive que me virar para conter a risada, o meu humor é peculiar assim. Sobre a resposta de comentários: eu realmente não esperava uma, não só pela diferença de idioma, mas porque não dá para responder a todos, fiquei maravilhada quando vi a sua nas notas finais, por isso eu realmente não tenho preferência, escrever no idioma nativo torna tudo mais sincero (existem pesquisas sobre isso) fora que eu nunca conseguiria te oferecer a mesma cortesia, mas prometo, vou me esforçar para aprender o seu! Logo, me responder nele me motiva e... Eu acho incrível as pequenas diferenças que ocorrem pós tradução, então ququer coisa que te faça confortável. Sobre ser uma querida? É um dom. (Risos aqui) brincadeiras a parte, crédito onde é devido, tudo que fiz foi apontar como sua história e escrita são maravilhosas (mesmo que escrever "história" seja estranho pra mim, no português temos duas versões da palavra com significados diferentes, eu apenas não sei se há um equivalente, vou procurar.) Novamente, eu realmente sou mais um leitor fantasma, mas você é uma pessoa tão criativa e incrível que sou (de muito bom grado) obrigada a dizer isso. Sobre os ditados populares brasileiros, no Brasil tem muitos, a maior parte aparentemente não faz sentido a primeira vista, mas se você gosta, continuarei a usar, vou até pensar em alguns realmente inteligentes, talvez nem sejam ditados, mas referências culturais brasileiras que eu acredito, você apreciaria! Obrigada pela madrugada feliz, espero que a sua seja ótima também.
Blackdrake chapter 12 . 7/22
Hi, sorry, that I didn't write a review for the last chapter, but somehow I just didn't get an idea what to write. I mean Toga is just insane, nothing much to say about that. Except, that Hawks is really getting soft.
As can also be seen in this chapter. Seriously, I don't know how he will manage the undercover mission in the liberation army. If he even gets this job. Maybe the commission will decide, that because of his new attachments to the students, that he is unsuitable for delicate work like that.
Not that I expect them to have so much common sense, or at least this much empathy for Hawks. This chapter was again really funny, Aizawa is such a mother hen. But considering, that Hawks is not that much older than some of his students, that's to be expected in my opinion.
As for Hawks assessment of toga, he is not wrong, she is a skilled fighter, who trained herself to be able to fight users of more efficient quirks on even ground. I mean hell, that "little Girl" was able to wound Aizawa during the yakuza arc. And he is practically THE martial artist in U.A. So, really no need for shame on Hawks part.
As always looking forward to the next chapter.

hinatayvonne chapter 12 . 7/22
Falling from the sky seems kinda fun and if I know I won’t dye I don’t think I would be that scared it would be more spiritual
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