Reviews for The Samba Club vs The Jongo Club
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 13 . 8/1
I predict that is Julio, or a Douglas who suddenly became evil again... or Sandro, or some other villain idk.
If it is Julio, then make sure to have him die hard, either that or bomb at the box office, that usually kills slasher villains. They don't die unless the film doesn't make much money, or if the producers have the balls to kill them off. Anyways, nice chapter I guess. The previous one was better, but its still good.

Hope the sequel clears up things for me. No one else mentioned how it was weird that Blu could read and stuff, so not too sure why you made it out like multiple people had said that... or maybe they did in private messages, idk.

I don't have a point, and so I'll just end this review.
banana phone
Logan Jindrak X chapter 13 . 8/1
A cliffhanger?! WHYYYY?! Just kidding; that was a great ending. I'm glad things ended up just fine for everybody... well, except Pedro that is. Poor guy XD

You got me a bit scared there when everybody insulted Eva's singing. For a moment, I thought she would rage out and go on a rampage against everyone. Good thing Rafael was there to calm her down.

Overall, this was a great first story from you, RDJ. The grammar had its errors, specially in the first chapters, but you got better and better as the story went along. You nailed the characters' personality, the OCs were made good use of (specially Nightfly), and the pacing was very good too. Whatever you do next, I'll definitely be there to check it out. Nice work, dude :)
monsterjamvadim chapter 13 . 8/1
Great job

I'm glad to have SUPPORT you
RIO2Lover100 chapter 13 . 8/1
Well I’m glad that they’ve got a new club, congratulations Blu and Jewel on becoming parents
Logan Jindrak X chapter 12 . 7/29
Dude, that was nothing short of a great chapter to follow with the big match. I would've wished to see Julio suffering a more painful and brutal death, but I'll accept this one. Also, I think it was a good decision to have Jewel and the others kick Sandro out of Rio as it wouldn't have made much sense to just forgive him after everything he did.

I admit you got me for a moment when Rafael announced Jewel was pregnant. That was a big troll for me, dude.

The humour is still very on point too. I chuckled a bit when Pedro thought Jewel was pregnant because of her mood changes or when you cut the scene before Nico could say 'son of a you-know-what'.

I hope the conclusion of this story will be satisfying. There are plenty of ways a story can get ruined by a bad ending. But I have no doubt you will deliver perfectly, RDJ!
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 12 . 7/29
Great arc for the two military macaws, particularly Douglas. Best chapter so far, the tension actually was there and Douglas' sacrifice made sense, plus Sandro's regret. I think letting Sandro live is punishing him, as until his death he'll live with the guilt, likely including survivor's guilt, which is a wonderful disorder.

Great work!
monsterjamvadim chapter 12 . 7/28
RIO2Lover100 chapter 12 . 7/28
What a dirt bag Julio was in destroying the samba club, glad Sandro has gone for good
Logan Jindrak X chapter 11 . 7/24
Here's my long-awaited review, RDJ.

I think that might be the best chapter you have ever writen so far. The whole match was excellently executed - I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! As with the previous chapter, my blood started boiling every time the Jongo Club cheated. COME AND FIGHT ME!

The writing still isn't perfect, but honestly, I really didn't care because I was having too much fun reading your story.

Honestly, it feels weird to see Nightfly getting taken down like this. Throughout all the years I've known him, Nightfly is usually the one to fix the problem in every story. So seeing Douglas making a face turn and save the day was even more unexpected.

This would have made a great finale, but now, I wonder what Julio's gonna do, being the sore loser that he is. Can't wait for the next chapter, friend :)
Proffesor Ass Spiders chapter 11 . 7/22
This was very entertaining, and I like the arc with Douglas. Peter feels more natural in the story, but this is mostly because Nightfly's name is quite weird, which I suppose the same can be said for Blu, but I assume that is just a nickname that stuck and became his proper name of sorts. (that was a long sentence)
Epic cliffhanger again, hope you finish this. Because it seems that cliffhangers are prime times for a show/series to be cancelled/abandoned.
monsterjamvadim chapter 11 . 7/22


RIO2Lover100 chapter 11 . 7/22
Glad the samba club won the game, hope they can stop Douglas father from killing Zara
Cloverfield2001 chapter 11 . 7/22
Hey don't mention it, Pere has been out of the game for a while... something that might not stay that way for long if you know what I mean. Anyway great chapter overall and I love how the characters interact so well together. As always great job!
Logan Jindrak X chapter 10 . 7/18
I don't know if I buy the romance between Nightfly and Tanya as it came out of seemingly nowhere, but I don't really mind it.

The match is pretty good; you clearly put the Samba Club as the underdogs here with the Jongo Club cheating and using all the dirty tricks in the book. I admit it made my blood boil a bit when they hurt our friends, especially Nico, and when Sandro slapped Jewel's butt. What a creep.

I'm really excited for the next chapter. You're really good at writing soccer stories, dude!
Logan Jindrak X chapter 9 . 7/17
Sorry for taking so long, but here's the review I promised.

First of all, I like how you inserted a passage of your other story wher eBlu and Jewel meet in the samba club. I wonder if this means the first movie is non-canon in this timeline though.

The grammar still isn't flawless, but every word serves its purpose and we can feel how much fun you're having writing this. It's also engaging as I don't like how Julio will force Nightfly's team to play earlier than anticipated. Couldn't they have just told them: "We had an agreement; we will play in two days, this is non-discussable!"

I hope the team will win... but now, I'm starting to wonder if Nico and Pdro are truly gay in this story.
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