Reviews for Stolen Moments
Jeda31 chapter 9 . 7/22
Oh my word, that was a gloriously gorgeously and emotionally stunning magnificent jewel of a one shot.

Brilliant to see how useful and emotionally opening up a night out with the boys can with be with regards to allowing ones inhabited feelings and emotions to come tumbling out and as well as beautiful enabling Siri to reconcile and sort out her feelings for Obi-Wan. That she realises that whatever happens she will always love and care for him and visa versa and that they will always be connected by it and in love even if they put their duty to the Jedi order before it at times.
Jeda31 chapter 8 . 7/19
Oh my word, that was a sensationally awesome and magnificently glorious diversely unique humdinger of a new one shot to this majestically incredible series of epic one shots.

Utterly loved how intriguing different, sentimentally tender and loving caring this emotionally terse dousie of a one shot. As beautifully magnificently showcasing how apt the old adage is here that actions speak louder than words in this case in sumptuously glorious detail. As Obi-Wan makes sure that he takes care of Siri makes sure that she can recover from latest dance with the devil.
Jeda31 chapter 7 . 7/12
Hot damn, have to say that I think this one shot and the one with Siri and Obi-Wan being caught in a compromising situation by Anakin were my favourite one shots of this series of stolen moments thus far. Utterly loved the gloriously beautiful and sumptuously awesomely cute romantic vibe of this one shot and showcasing just how much Siri and Obi-Wan feel and care for one another and treasure ever stolen moment that they are able to share together, whenever they can. I sure being rescued by Siri whilst she is doing a burlesque performance, is not something that Obi will never forget and be the top of his various rescues, as have to agree he gets captures quite a lot of the time, either on purpose or when he cannot help it.
Jeda31 chapter 6 . 7/8
Oh my word, that was a gloriously beautiful and sensationally magnificent awesomely cute humdinger of a one shot.

Was Utterly great to see Siri and Obi hanging out like good friends ought to even with the responsibilities they have resting on their shoulders. Even more brilliant to see was Obi acting as a careers advisor of sorts to Siri and helping find her new oath after the butter appointment and hurt of Fercus leaving the order. Showing her where her path and her talents truly laid and being the best friend he can be to her into the bargain.

Yeah aslesys found it amusing that despite how good he was at diplomacy and being known as the negotiator m, that apart from Padmé, Bail and Satine he absolutes loathes politician and in particular Sidious.
Jeda31 chapter 5 . 7/5
Oh my word, that was a sumptuously beautiful and magnificently marvellous humdinger of a gorgeously glorious one shot. Utterly loved how awesomely cute and sublimely romantically in-touch and intensely passionate exquisitely alluring brilliant Siri and Obi-Wan are as a pair of long time and constantly getting together friends and lovers with benefits. Plus found that last part of the one-shot to be absolutely hilarious as Siri and Obi tried to keep their amorous interactions private, before having to give up the ghost as Siri magnificently terrifically leaves them both struck dumb as she leaves like a titan and Kenobi trying to bribe Anakin to never mention a word of what he saw his master and his long time amore were up to.
Jeda31 chapter 4 . 7/1
Ah wow, that was another sensationally beautiful and magnificently awesome sentimentally tender and lovingly caring piece of gorgeous Siri/Kenobi fluff and glorious lovey dovey smut.

Great to see Siri/Obi acting like an old married couple in all but name and Siri bring the only one to be able to make sure that Kenobi despite the rigours and horrors of war takes care of himself, relaxes and has so much need fun even if she has to use all of her talents, knowledge and feminine wiles at her disposal to get him to do so. Something that Kenobi given how much he loved and missed her has come to enjoy and look forward to their next meeting as well as the simple pleasures of spending time with the woman he loves.
Jeda31 chapter 3 . 6/29
Oh my word, that was one sensually evocative and erotically provocative sensationally alluringly glorious humdinger of a one shot. Utterly loved how you made us think that they were enjoying kinkily hot and passionately vivacious sex on the council chamber itself and giving a big two fingers salute to the code. Before revealing that it was all the stuff of epic sexual fantasy shared across their bond and if Obi gets through the next council meeting without being distracted by such fantasy would be very much surprised.
MasterTachi25 chapter 3 . 6/29
I was totally stunned about mid way through this chapter, and then just burst out laughing at the end! Loved it!
Jeda31 chapter 2 . 6/27
Oh my word, that was one sensationally glorious and gorgeously beautiful magnificently awesome incredible humdinger of one shot chapter. That was wonderfully amazing fluffy lovey dovey piece of romantic fluff and nothing more lovey tender than playing in the snow and that leading to a more spectacular beautiful romantic moment between them in the snow twenty years later.
Jeda31 chapter 1 . 6/21
Hot damn, that was a gloriously beautiful and stunning sensationally gorgeously stunningly magnificent one shot of marvellous Obi/Siri fluff that we can always need more of.

That was some utterly crazy mischievous and gloriously amazing hijinks that Obi and Siri get up to in their spare time and perfectly in character for them. Loved how Kenobi’s attempt to claim unfair advantage backfired on him spectacularly and only surprised that he was able to hold out so long before buying Siri given how drop dead gorgeous and sensual alluring she was looking and doing her seductive best to entice him into doing so. As it were any other no Jedi male game would have been up long before then and they would have been staging lujecrabbits somewhere.