Reviews for Say Something
augiesannie chapter 1 . 6/27
a wonderful and classic rendering of the gazebo scene. so glad to have you and your wonderful writing back! a special thank-you for the dining room scene (I always wonder what that dinner must have been like). I adored the way the barely lets herself hope, even when his awkward and nervous discomfort is increasingly apparent - then there is a flicker and finally a flame (love the way you evoked her awakening desire for him). GREAT job.
Windyandstormy chapter 1 . 6/21
This was really good!
IDontKnowYourSignal chapter 1 . 6/17
Such a gorgeous retelling of one of my favourite scenes. Loved the vivid descriptions of Maria’s thoughts and emotions as she navigated that evening through blinding pain to sheer elation. When Georg says the words “I love you” my heart always skips a beat. The way he just blurts out those words is such a contrast to the way he struggles to define his feelings for Elsa as they walked along the lake.
You’ve taken this already-fabulous scene and elevated it to so much more. Thank you!
nanajojo chapter 1 . 6/16
Wow! That was wonderful. I can see this scene in my head. It is one of my favorites. I love when Georg says "oh my love" I just melt. I hope there will be more.️️
Ninigi chapter 1 . 6/16
I must be honest - I squealed when I saw that you posted a new story. I was worried that after "If I loose myself" your break would be much longer, especially if you're working on your Master's. I am so happy to see that you're back in the fandom, with a new story.

As for the first chapter, I am as always enchanted by your writing. You can paint beautiful scenes with words, capture and convey emotions with a lot of accuracy. However there is one thing that is nagging at the back of my head - the story is not marked as completed and the summary is rather... hazy. Although this first chapter was beautifully written, it showed us a scene we know from the movie, giving no hints about the plot. I wonder what this story will be about. Knowing your writing I guess you'll be concentrating on feelings but I am looking forward to finding out whet adventures you planned for Maria and the Von Trapp family.

Thank you for devoting your time and energy to this story. I am looking forward to reading the upcoming chapters. Take care!
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 6/16
Well, that was *wonderful*.