Reviews for Until We Meet Again
Lily chapter 6 . 7/26
It's going well and good. But the change in emotions are actually too sudden. I really like your story. From the first chapter the story seemed to be well thought and had a flow to it. The reader could get the grasp of the emotions flowing through. But now it just seems like a bunch of emotions and storyline fit in there somewhere. Sorry to be such a critique, but you will realise it yourself. Any problems ?!
Lily chapter 6 . 7/26
It's going well and gii
Guesttt chapter 6 . 7/25
The only reason i wish i hadnt start to read this story is because i need more of it every time i finish a chapterr!
I already want more and its killing me that it stops and i cant keep reading to see what happens next!
Love you keep doing what you do
Dutchie chapter 6 . 7/25
This is such a cool story! More updates please...
scrappy8 chapter 6 . 7/25
great chapter
Dutchie chapter 5 . 7/23
It would be really nice to have an update! I like your story very much.
Dutchie chapter 5 . 7/23
Please update soon
love reading20613 chapter 6 . 7/25
This chapter was very well written! I could feel ginnys pain
Lily chapter 5 . 7/17
Hay main marjawan... Kya kahun ! You know it was very good. Harry had it coming. It's not easy healing a broken heart... but I really want Ginny to heal soon... But not too soon.
Kate chapter 5 . 7/16
Hi Swiftie(guessing u r one),
I really love Taylor Swift. And your story is just [sparks fly]. Butterflies in my stomach. Please continue. It's my 14th fanfiction and I love it.
scrappy8 chapter 5 . 7/12
great chapter
Dutchie chapter 5 . 7/12
Great chapter. I'm really curious now.
Gellert99 chapter 5 . 7/12
There is a difference between forgiving and forgetting. Maybe, one day Ginny may forgive Harry, but she will never forget what he did to her. And at the moment he doesn't even deserve her forgiveness. He hasn't changed an iota for the better.
Asphodel chapter 4 . 7/5
That's an interesting fiction you've got there. Liked all the four chap. But really man... There's some serious screw loose in this. In the 5 years for a business man in abroad... How could Harry have been that big of an idiot to screw up a girls life by saying yes then no just cause of another chick... If he had a girl then he shouldn't have said yes... Is he really that big of an asshole
love reading20613 chapter 4 . 7/6
Such a good story can’t wait for more
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