Reviews for Youth is Wasted on the Young
Zorro Reynard chapter 3 . 7h
Love seeing Daredevil out maneuvering Spider-Man despite the gap in power.
Radio Driver chapter 3 . 8/28
Good goin, Dean. Keep on keepin on.
duskrider chapter 3 . 8/23
Interesting choice to have it so that rather than the mugging happening because Ben was out looking for peter it is because of dumb luck and had happened seven years ago. I also enjoy the style of suit this Spiderman uses.
MR MASSIVE chapter 3 . 8/22
This is getting BIG
BakerChef chapter 3 . 8/21
He should fight one of Spider-Man's usual enemies.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15
endofgames chapter 3 . 8/16
So his butler is Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan?!
endofgames chapter 2 . 8/16
A irradiated cat and a silver haired woman in the area. I wonder what are you planning.
ERB100 chapter 3 . 8/15
It's coming along pretty well.
Gavinator Newsome chapter 3 . 8/14
You gotta update this. It's gonna happen whether anybody likes it or not.
InCK chapter 3 . 8/14
why hasn't he gone to train under the ancient one?

magic is op...
InCK chapter 1 . 8/14

i agree with his comment about not really needing to get bitten by the spider to be an effective superhero. However... this is a spiderman-fic and if he doesn't get bitten im outta here!

also, he should focus on learning biology and stuff.
If Nathaniel Essex (Aka Mister Sinister) can give himself the abilities of different mutants by incorporating their DNA into himself, then there shouldn't be any reason why Peter can't do the same... and if this is a universe without mutants, he could still get alot of different powers from serums n' shit.

i mean... what kind of idiot would not want to power themselves up as much as possible if they one day got sucked into marvel-verse...?
RockyGolem chapter 3 . 8/14
This doesn’t seem that good to me this guy is a Gary Stu. You may respond with but he doesn’t know how to socialize but I know he’s either gonna a harem soon or make a trillion superhero friends. This guy is a Gary Stu their is no flaws.
Death Fury chapter 3 . 8/14
excellent chapter
Speed Reader100 chapter 3 . 8/13
It's pretty good, but it would be better if you sped things up.
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