Reviews for Road to Tranquility
MONKEYBINI chapter 9 . 7m
Looovvveee iiiiittty
Ryan chapter 9 . 31m
Man cant wait to see percy put Artemis in her place when he explodes with all the bs he has to put up with this is one hell of a good story man I look forward to reading it every time you update
Royal Instinctz chapter 9 . 8/1
Arraia chapter 9 . 7/31
Perfect and update soon please
AlEmily360 chapter 9 . 7/31
I love this chapter! I really like the small wedding scene, showing how Percy felt when he way
S being married to the girl of his dream but she doesn’t like him back, showing how their relationship kinda started out. I like everything you wrote! It’s a nice piece of art :) Can’t wait for the next update, this is one of the best Pertemis story I’ve read!
KingLouisOfGreece chapter 9 . 7/31
Dude someone who writes 4.5k words per chapter and updates regularly and is sorry for a chapter being 4k words should not be sorry. This story is amazing so please continue at the same pace.
yeetman69 chapter 4 . 7/26
this is really good, keep it up!
DireRavenIII chapter 8 . 7/25
Awesome start! I’m excited to see more of Percy’s backstory, and I love the Greek/Roman name choices for him. Also excited to see the extent of his powers and learn more about what role Tanya will play. Great job, happy writing!
MONKEYBINI chapter 8 . 7/25
Oh i love this better than normal betrayal story's
I need to know what happened
ChaosProtector chapter 8 . 7/24
I really love this story and it's one of the fanfics I look forward to reading new chapters the most every week, but is Artemis ever going to start acting in a sympathetic way or at least feel remorseful for how she's treated Percy? Like I love PercyxArtemis as much as the next guy, but Artemis has been so horrible to Percy in this story, and has given him nothing but unending and unearned crap (especially considering it seems to be solely because he's a man), that a big part of me is agreeing with Hephaestus that Percy should move on to find someone else because of how unlikable she's been so far. And while I get why he acts the way he does, I feel like it's a little annoying how Percy's response to everybody treating him like crap is to just roll over and let them keep doing it to make themselves feel better about it. At some point he should be showing some urgency and a spine instead of just letting everyone get away with it like they've done for the last century.

Also, do the rest of the Seven and Nico know that Percy is Monaxia? It's said that only the demigods think they are separate people and are unaware of the truth behind Percy, but are his former friends aware of the truth too or do they not care? It's not very clear.

Regardless, looking forward to the next chapter.
Posaitan chapter 8 . 7/24
I don't really like how much Percy is rolling over for everyone. Yeah fatal flaw of personal loyalty has wrecked him but it's been quite a while and he's got new people to be fatally loyal to. Being married to Artemis as well is not cool. If she isn't smart enough to know what all the other gods do that Percy has been completely abandoned by everyone than she doesn't really deserve Percy's loyalty. She doesn't have to jump in his bed but I think that having the hunters as immortal feminazis of the highest level has gotten old. Some have been around for thousands of years, surely they have gained some wisdom in that time. Yeah plenty of men are assholes even more in the past but they have to have realized that there are just as many who are safe to be around and don't deserve harassment. Also Monaxia means alone in greek and it's just a bit too sad. Percy is extremely loyal but he's also a bit of a hothead and not one to be everyone's bitch.
Arraia chapter 8 . 7/24
Perfect and update soon please
mertbeyaz07 chapter 8 . 7/24
More ! More ! More !
AlEmily360 chapter 8 . 7/24
I really like the back story you added, giving us more detail of Percy’s life. I really feel bad for him though. I love this story as well, it’s one of the best Pertemis story I read and it’s not rushing! *cough* unlike mine *cough* Anyways, great job on this chapter and I hope to read more soon!
star girl5679 chapter 8 . 7/24
Btw, can't wait for your next update. Ooh that kinda rhymed
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