Reviews for To Save A Jedi
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 7 . 17h
One truth about authors is that they often tend to think their works are much worse than they are for real. Rest assured that there was nothing terrible about this chapter. It was amazing, as always! :) This chapter really hurt, reading what Shaak Ti saw and how she felt as the Jedi, her family, was slaughtered. And Bail… I never even thought about how he would have felt, hoping that he was wrong, but finding out that he was right. I’m glad he managed to save a Padawan and youngling. And with Anakin, I wonder what he and all his companions will do now… The emotions of all the characters were portrayed so strongly, it was as though I was experiencing them. Great job! :)
Jeda31 chapter 7 . 9/13
Oh my word and god have mercy. That was a fantastically magnificent and stunningly sublime finishing off of the events of Order 66.

Hit to say that Shak Ti vision ofvthe present and the future was just as haunting beautiful and morose tragedy of seeing the fall of the order she do loyally served as was the similar sequence portrayed in ROTS through yoda sensing and feeling it going on.

Well at least Sgak Ti sacrifice wasn’t in vain as she managed to save not only Zett, but as well as a precious baby: whom I suspect is the future Mara Jade saving her from a childhood and teenage hood of hurt and pain as a hand of Sidious.

Who said S there is never a Sith Lord around when you need them as Ashoka’s release of Maul proved to be the critical factor that allows the dynamic duo, Artoo and maul to escape with their skins intact and live to fight another day. Despite the all out intent of the clines to stop them and terminate their existence or die trying.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/12
It would be interesting to see one of these stories where Anakin meet the bendu who helps him balance his emotional state so he can progress his force talents to be equal or above GM Luke's in Legends
Lola Jeery chapter 7 . 9/12
I'm confused as to why they allowed Maul to board the shuttle with them, and why Maul did not try to take it himself. I really wish you had taken a moment to explain that when all you needed were a few lines of dialogue. Other than that, I thought this was a good chapter. I like how you added those references to certain characters in Shaak Ti's vision!
Nightshade's sydneylover150 chapter 7 . 9/12
Oh god...
RyanSquad chapter 7 . 9/12
You making Order 66 hurt more with going to other views. Do you relish in my pain? Lol
Nightshade's sydneylover150 chapter 6 . 8/26
Great chapter!
Courtesy Trefflin chapter 6 . 8/26
Hindsight really does hurt. I can’t even imagine how horrified Anakin was in that moment. And hurt. It would have been hard to accept that he was hardly better than those who had enslaved him as a child. It’s interesting to see this playing out with Anakin there with Ahsoka. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. Awesome chapter! :)
ichigo urahara Shihoin chapter 6 . 8/26
be safe anakin.
NaomiBlue chapter 6 . 8/25
At least they can save Rex
Jeda31 chapter 6 . 8/25
Oh my word, that was another sensationally magnificent and stunning fantastic terrific new addition to this epic jewel of a story. Loved the gorgeously marvellous piece of introspective thinking on Anakin behalf, brilliantly comparing the clones and himself as a kid as both slaves, forced to do the bidding and follow the orders of master without any free will or chance to object to it and showing how they were all domed to be puppets in the grand scheme and machination of Sidious grand plan.

Great to see the epically kickass partnership of Anakin and Ashoka back in action and despite the entire galaxy falling down around their ears, being able to function magnificently wonderful as one half of the dream team of the Jedi Order to get the job done and never leave a man behind. As they attempt to fight their way out of the hell and bloodshed of Order 66 as well as save Rex from himself by extracting his inhibitor chip from his brain and gain an ally, while starring down the guns of their clones and annihilation.
RyanSquad chapter 6 . 8/25
I really hope you save more clones like Jesse by Anakin's mere presence. Rex deserves to have a brother(s) then having them serve an Empire or dying. I have a feeling something will happen to Obi-Wan and it ain't good.
Nightshade's sydneylover150 chapter 5 . 7/10
Died in fire Sidious!
ichigo urahara Shihoin chapter 5 . 7/9
double trap
Jeda31 chapter 5 . 7/8
Oh my word that as a gloriously delicious and incredible awesomely spectacular marvellous humdinger of a new chapter.

Was magnificently sublime to see how cunning manipulative and Machiavellian schemingly duplicitous bastard Sidious is. As having failed to find necessary motive and evidence to convict Kenobi and the Jedi to convince the senate to destroy the order and proclaim an empire. Brilliantly sets the wheels in motion to provide his twisted and manufactured evidence to do just that.

Also was brilliantly exquisite to see all of Padme’s various emotions, feelings and fears as a lonely and fearful pregnant woman and wife worries over her husband, the republic and fearful of the chancellor and what he intends. All comes to a head in her being arrested and locked up as fairgrounds lure Anakin to Sidious along with Kenobi.
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