Reviews for The New Puppeteer
Mariel1 chapter 3 . 6/16
Well, now I'm definitely curious! Who is this mysterious girl? Did she appear in any of the movies? I guess I'll have to wait and see!

Poor Archer/Jasmine. :( To be so scared of her new master, and not remembering her previous life! I hope things turn out well with her. Incidentally, has Bittersweet been abandoned? No judgment there, because I have several unfinished projects, I was just curious. I very much prefer the puppets as 'good' guys, and the few movies where the masters pretty much let them be themselves were the ones I enjoyed the most. It's always cool to get the puppets' perspective on things, and you portray them very well. I'm very excited for the next chapter!
Mariel1 chapter 1 . 6/11
Jester is such a little stinker! I'm also curious to know more about Jinkx, but I guess I'll have to wait and see. I read your previous stories, and how Archer came to be, and I quite enjoyed them. These puppets have really had a hard time, haven't they? Can't wait to read more!