Reviews for Lessons
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 6 . 6/29
This was funny enough to make using the non-canon power worth it. Wesker trying not to look at anyone in case he accidentally zaps them on top of the whole speed and strength thing is great. Also Wesker saying/thinking "Hulk smashing"...I guess he did make that horrible "zombies to truly...marvel" pun in MVC3.
Also really like "Dammit Birkin, you could have attempted to make some measure of sense"...Will, why are you like this.
And I laughed at the phrase "goat murdering ability".
derekctomlinson chapter 6 . 6/26
lol i know that they are not a part of this story but while hiding in the midwest he ran into his old teammates in stars who shot wesker
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 6 . 6/27
lol, the poor goat! I always found that ability of Wesker's in RE0 funny as he didn't have it in any other game, guess that was a side effect of the PG67A/W, can't wait to see the next chapter!
evolution-500 chapter 6 . 6/26
LOL That was hilarious. I couldn't help but be reminded of that movie "Men Who Stare At Goats" while reading this. XD
One or two grammatical errors; "it's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has" while its is possessive.
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 5 . 6/15
This story is a lot of fun...and neat freak Wesker is perfect, it fits him very well (although aren't his STARS gloves fingerless? Not sure they'd help much).
"I'd always enjoyed the smell of a book, the feel of pages in my hands." Nerd.
Will is very much not subtle and I like that he's rambling about Annette and Sherry in such an important message...if Will is making readers facepalm it's a good sign he's in character.
Wesker said "Shit"...Wesker, I didn't know you had it in you...seeing him getting frustrated with the computers is great fun.
And librarian guy just...realising Wesker's not just some angry guy, he's a 6ft3 really strong angry guy...and shutting up was also very funny.
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 4 . 6/14
wow, good chapters, this story is just getting better!
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 4 . 6/14
(I thought I'd posted this yesterday but apparently forgot)
Another really funny chapter. I think that house is the new most horrifying thing in Resident Evil. Of course Wesker would hate it. It's fun to see him snarking about it.
TheSameOne chapter 4 . 6/12
This is pure joy. My only complaint is that there isn’t MORE! XDXDXD Though tbh, that’s not even valid, given how often you’re updating. Thank you for much for sharing this!
TheSameOne chapter 3 . 6/12
This was a fun one! Definitely enjoying these!
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 3 . 6/11
I can't believe I'm almost feeling sorry for Wesker. But I love that he considers cake a "worthier adversary" than those idiots.
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 2 . 6/10
I would say it, lol, great chapter!
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 2 . 6/10
Another really funny chapter...I love that the goblin reminds him of Birkin. Also that he has emergency hair gel on his belt...priorities, Wesker. And seeing him struggling with his new superstrength is very entertaining.
I like the "lesson learned/lesson taught" thing as well
evolution-500 chapter 2 . 6/9
With great power comes responsibility, as Uncle Ben reminds everyone. In the case of Wesker getting used to it for the first time, though...comes some good comedy lol XD
Crystalyna du Starrvan chapter 1 . 6/9
good story
EvilToTheCore13 chapter 1 . 6/8
This is great, very funny. I know I said this on Discord but I really like the mood whiplash from the whole... dramatic start to him falling down the hill. Also "Dead men walking would reach them soon enough, no need to ruin the surprise" is a great line.
I'm looking forward to reading more of this at some point (no rush) and to seeing you torment Wesker more.
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