Reviews for Year of the Dragon
Green223 chapter 1 . 6/5
Can't wait for more!
AnimeGoji91 chapter 1 . 6/3
Is Danny going have a love girl of Avatar: The Last Of Airbender is Azula!?
danifan3000 chapter 1 . 6/3
so, if Azula ends up being Danny's love interest in this story like in the original version, will Azula become Dani's mother in this story like Danny's other romances in your other stories? I love the father/daughter relationship between Danny and Danielle but those stories are rare these days.
Menatron the Angel of Ideas chapter 1 . 6/3
Well,first chapter of the remake looks AWESOME as does all your work. BE HONEST,did Azula threaten ya to title this thing that so she avenges what happened to Zuko's other form? NO ONE KILLS HER BRO BUT HER! Just pointing out the irony is all. Anyway,hope we get the big reveal with URSA like before. As well as that Sweet Azula vs. Paulina. Also nice you're taking that other suggestion and giving the Angels ghost gear right off the bat.(That's their tea name and I'm sticking to it.)