Reviews for Mind Your Language! (CSP AU Version)
Latina shewolf chapter 1 . 6/3
I like how Estelle made a point not to stoop to to that guys level.

This fanfic really reminded me of Captain America saying "language" really great fanfic
Jessi gates chapter 1 . 6/1
Nice to teach that bully lesson about his language and the way Estelle did self-defense too. It's weird that Ren was bi and that his ex-boyfriend was that jerk too.
xXx DIGITAL xXx chapter 1 . 6/1
LMAO! This was a pretty funny fanfic to read and it made me laugh a bit. Aside from the foul language, it made me imagine Captain America in my head saying "Language!
MarigoldWolf chapter 1 . 6/1
Oh my gosh, this was great! You got Ren down perfectly as well Micheal (he needs to learn to back off, especially with who he’s friends with now). At least here Ren’s got three big sisters to keep him calmed down (and Micheal better hope AJ doesn’t catch wind of this). Fantastic job!