Reviews for One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, New Fish
YAYSOLANGELO chapter 1 . 6/28
GreenEyesAndPepperoni chapter 1 . 6/13
THIS IS TOO CUTE FOR MEEEE! sorry for being late ma dudeee
buuuuuuttttt this is sooo cute. like CUTE i mean solagelo is one of my fave ships ever and you have done it justice. this grim reaper kinda reminds me of that japanese digital artist called avogado6. yeahh his arts are nice. you shud check them out.
ANYWAYS keep going cus u be awesome and pretty cool and i always love your stories even it its gonna be about the Chupacabra. yeah soo be safe and have fun
vanilla.vera chapter 1 . 6/5
This story was so beautiful! I love it, and I love the use of anaphora. Very well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2
I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading that story :)
Also, I now realize that Nico wasn’t disguised at the time, but when I first read the scene in the coffee shop I enjoyed picturing people in the background enjoying their coffee and shooting strange looks at Will whole he babbled to himself in the corner lolll
mitsuha miyamizi chapter 1 . 6/1
i loved the fish names omg. hilarious. beautiful stuff, by the way. i'm glad you went for the solangelo! your style and the ship go well together! but they are so. fucking. hard. to write. i've been working on some solangelo stuff for literally, like, a year, and i have a shit ton of words, yeah, and it's all going good, until i realize. i made a hug mistake. anyway, kudos to you! really beautiful writing; i loved the trop you used! with that demigod-not-demigod thing. percy was a total sweetheart! i loved how sweet he was, and how he didn't press, because tbh, it's hard to talk about shit like that.

(and oh. yeah. i feel really bad for those residents. i had a friend who was one of those assholes. and. well. key word, "had".)

happy pride month to you too, and i hope you're staying safe!

love, mitsuha
2000s gal chapter 1 . 6/1
OMFG! This was so cute Kit! Happy Pride month!
The Lil' Lion chapter 1 . 6/1
This was amazing and cute and brilliant. I love Solengelo, and you write them really well too. I can't explain how much I loved this, and the incorporation of greek gods was on point, I have to say. I felt happy and sad at the same time when reading this. I really loved how you portrayed Will and his struggles, along with the overall love story of him and Nico. Thanks for a great read, I really enjoyed this.
Yaddahoozad chapter 1 . 6/1
That was waffle-ley good! Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheh

Yuma yums yum YuUM!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1
The title and fish names? I'm dying rn
MeWithoutWax chapter 1 . 6/1
SOLANGELO! I luv this story soooooooooooooooooooo much! It's soo gud (as usual) U made me cry again... Ur one of my fav ff authors! And yes, we must appreciate health care workers more! Thanq for saying that and always mentioning that!
Anyway, Happy Pride Month! Stay Safe (n wash ur hands)!