Reviews for May It Be - The Potter Chronicles
Bryan chapter 1 . 7/31
Love this universe you made!
K chapter 1 . 6/23
Great little piece!
The Edible Scump chapter 1 . 6/21
Awesome one-shot.
Dogco94 chapter 1 . 6/4
Love this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31
Like the story line , keep up the work
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 5/31
Even those of us who had strong, loving father figures are terrified of becoming fathers ourselves. I've been through "getting the news" twice.

The first time was completely indescribable. The warring emotions were overwhelming. Even though we'd been foster parents of over a dozen different newborns, I knew I'd be responsible for this one for life.

The second time, a year and a half later, I felt quite confident. Our first child was a joy, an easy baby who slept through the night, laughed often, and loved everyone. She made us think we had that parenting thing knocked. The second one ... knocked that idea out of our heads.

Anyway, thank you for this. Quite beautifully done.
Freudentraene chapter 1 . 5/31
What a wonderful story! Really liked the insights in Harrys thoughts and feelings. With this oneshot, you have demonstrated your unique talent for telling a self-contained story that, on the other hand, also feels like part of a much larger world. For example, the allusion to Hermione's fate or the visit to the Dursleys. These are things I would like to know more about, and maybe that will be covered in other oneshots.
I loved the talk with Blaise and I also love Ellie. I have a weakness for large dorgs xD
Overall a really great oneshat. Thank you for sharing your work and talent with us!
Hank1967 chapter 1 . 5/30
Too cute! Loved the ending! Glad to see Daphne taking such good care of Harry. Also enjoyed Harry and Blaise' conversation. This was exceptionally well written. Being a dad, I think the three scariest words in the English language are "honey, I'm pregnant." No matter how prepared you might be, it's still scary. And parenthood is definitely not for cowards. Your kids will test you well beyond your limits, especially if you have one like mine. Looking forward to seeing Harry as a dad. That will be entertaining!
MysticTraveller chapter 1 . 5/30
Good to see you're back so soon. I liked the chapter, the pace was slower to your previous story but since it was a chapter about reminiscing it felt alright. I think you should try a more action-oriented chapter/story, i think you would do a fine job at it. Hope to see more.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30
Jai que adorer que Harry discute avec blaise puis avec daphné de son enfance et ses conséquences et qu’elle lui dise clairement qu’il pourra élever son gosse clairement ils font un super couple