Reviews for Distraction
HazzaP chapter 13 . 8/2
Oh Lily! Age just can’t admit it yet. I really felt for James here! I love that she uses you-know-who in reference to her ex! Still teenage problems rather then war problems!
TiffanyToms chapter 1 . 8/2
Sorry for the double review, this story has just got me all excited: Dorcas is definitely gay right? Please post soon!
TiffanyToms chapter 13 . 8/2
Gaaaaaaah, we love all the same things so I LOVE this story! More more more please!Hot make-out scenes too!
earthbibble chapter 13 . 8/1
Aye I rlly like this story and u def should keep writing!
It'sMadUpstairs chapter 12 . 7/27
I love it. This is the first James and lily story I’ve read but I’ve been on a Harry Potter trip lately and their relationship is something that’s popped up in my mind. This story is in-character, humorous, and satisfying in the best ways. I love a good slow burn
HazzaP chapter 12 . 7/25
Oh my goodness I thought for a moment there you were going to deprive us of the kissing scenes! So good, Lily is lovely just all unsure about her feelings, in denial! And damn James Potter, he is hot. I love the side characters too though, you’ve captured Marley and Sirius really well too. I will begrudgingly wait til next Saturday for an update! I hope they go official!
HazzaP chapter 11 . 7/25
I love the banter and the flirting! James is just so sweet!
CharlotteReading chapter 12 . 7/25
Double update! Loved it! Can’t wait for the next one!
deadwoodpecker chapter 8 . 7/25
Ready to punch Snape here.
deadwoodpecker chapter 7 . 7/25
Fleetwood Mac and ticklish James. Blissful chapter.
deadwoodpecker chapter 6 . 7/25
Ah, Lily, he’s going to be so much more than a distraction...
deadwoodpecker chapter 5 . 7/25
Oooh and there we are with the title!
deadwoodpecker chapter 4 . 7/25
Oh god, drunken Lily is hilarious! And omg Lily, never, ever spin when you’re drunk!
deadwoodpecker chapter 3 . 7/25
I’m really glad that James has a friend in Lily’s corner. I love that she was protective, haha. Also, looking forward to him shagging her silly in a broom cupboard.
deadwoodpecker chapter 2 . 7/25
Hehe, this is fun and frothy and they ARE such adorable dorks.
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