Reviews for Weeping Is Not The Same As Crying
Guest chapter 1 . 5/28
I do love this story but i find odd Gohan didn't even consider going to Goten. Gohan was not the only one who lost a father on that day.
XxXAttitudeXxX chapter 1 . 5/28
Beautiful :')
Lizbizwiz chapter 1 . 5/27
Oh look that; I'm crying. Very nicely done one-shot. I like that we get a bit of the aftermath of Goku leaving with Sheron. GT had it's ups and downs, but the story it tried to convey, especially towards the end, will always be a strong point for me. Well done!
o- Nyx -o chapter 1 . 5/27
Great one shot. I liked it. The only thing which disrupted me from your awesome writing was when Pan referred to her Papa as Gohan when we were following her POV. Its just a personal thing for me though.

Whilst I understand this fic is it's own complete story, I would love to see a second chapter as follow up which takes place maybe one or a couple of years later. Possibly even on the anniversary of the death, so we can see whether your Gohan was able to move on. And any changes he may have made to his home life.

I can't wait for more one shots from your lovely self. Keep up the great work. :D
Dr. Blue22 chapter 1 . 5/27
Fuck you, i'm not crying you're crying.
Super Kamehameha chapter 1 . 5/27
This was really good, and I’m glad this didn’t end up as a “Goku bad dad” story. Goku had to go with Shenron, he didn’t have a choice and this story wonderfully showed that. I love the introspect into Gohans mental state in this, cause it wasn’t something we really got to see much from anyone after it happened in GT which was a shame. I’d love to see a sequel looking into Goten or Gohan seeing Goku again in Other World
BookWorm2093 chapter 1 . 5/27
This just breaks my heart but it's a wonderful story, keep up the good work.