Reviews for It ends now
austenshunk chapter 1 . 5/21
Could you do a fanfiction about that Arrow 3x23, where Felicity was being selfish.
Stephane Klein chapter 1 . 5/19
Eclectica737 chapter 1 . 5/19
It just amazes me her bullshit never got called out. Your story is one of the most sensible that I've read in a long line of them. Thank you.
Agent N chapter 1 . 5/19
Eyup. Iris got what she deserved. Barry is leaving and maybe heads towards to Caitlin where he can stay. There he realized that Caitlin was so close to him more than just a friend. In the end, Barry confessed Caitlin about his feelings and Caitlin also confessed her feelings to Barry. The two became a couple, changing a toxic waste future of WestAllen(and their traitorous future daughter, Nora West-Allen out of existent) and a bright future of SnowBarry(Since there was no WestAllen wedding, the Nazis & doppelgangers from Earth-X didn't invade Earth-1, thus preventing the existent of Nora West-Allen/XS).

Can you do the sequel One-shot where Barry stays in Caitlin's home and there, he realized his feelings to her? Please.
neywalker5 chapter 1 . 5/19
Yaaaaaaaasssss! Talk that talk Barry! Moooooreeeee!
Cer1992 chapter 1 . 5/18
Nice one-shot. If only Barry called her out like this in canon, but leave it up to the incompetent writers to have him let Iris walk all over him.