Reviews for Hanyou No Yashahime: Origins – Parents of the Twins
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26
I saw a meme showing that 90% of fandom would be upset if this is a cannon. THAT IS COMPLETELY FALSE ONE. They only counted the American part . If we take a look on all around the world . Most of them are sessrin. Latin countries, Asian countries all are sessrin supporters . Even a Korean version of fandom wiki already placed rin as the wife of sesshomaru . They are just blabbering for something that don't even exist.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/26
This couple is not a pedophile or grooming others are using this to just trying to validate their non existing ship. If this is grooming or pedophilia then probably all vampire stories we enjoy is pedophilia. People who call this couple a pedophile is the most immature people in the whole internet. Bullying people over a non existing characters just for justifying their ship.
Myravenspirit chapter 4 . 6/19
Love the story so far.

TBH, I don't there is any morally questionable issues that are quantifiable. He didn't raise Rin, he didn't groom her. He courted her (or at least I tend to write him doing so) as any man would have in the feudal era of Japan. He kept his distance.
He even proposed, the audio drama CD is canon because Rumiko Takahashi agreed that it was canon, so your story is fine the way it is.

I look forward to reading more.
Bee chapter 4 . 6/8
OMG loving this so much. Can't wait for more
CareyC chapter 4 . 6/7
Please keep going! These beginning chapters look promising!
SausanLily of the Valley chapter 4 . 6/3
Such a lovely beginning... I so much admire the way you write. Please continue this story and Memoirs too. Honestly, there are a great many Inuyasha fanfics here but yours are really satisfying to read!
QuinnRyder008 chapter 4 . 5/28
So, I never really review, I probably should...but... anyways, I do like it! keep going! i think the issue with this pairing is because many within the fandom seen them as father and daughter, not ward and lord. Also noticing the hate online towards the possibility of them having children together is kinda sad. When Miroku asked every girl to bare his child...even a 11 year old girl. I am super excited about the upcoming series!
silvia S.K chapter 4 . 5/27
I love that Sess always gives her freedom of choice, that's how I understand their relationship. I also support your intentions with this story, go for it.
Lala chapter 4 . 5/24
Cute! . Sesshomaru sama is so sweet. 3
Mechine chapter 4 . 5/24
I absolutely love this story, your writing style and the way you depict the characters.
I wonder though, why Sesshoumaru would wait another year before taking Rin from the village? So she could change her mind? Looking forward to more! Thank you!
poetrymagic12 chapter 4 . 5/23
I still think she had the twins a bit younger than 18. I mean Sango already had 3 children by 19.

I am curious to see how you progress their romantic they end up having their twin daughters.

Rin's love for Sesshomaru...she doesn't care for most of the humans at the village...except Inuyasha's group and their families.

Will they be married? Or will she just be considered his mate?

I could only imagine Rin blushing at the thought of being intimate with him for the first time. Not that it can be detailed since it's rated T.

Update soon! Can't wait to read more.
cluckyduck78 chapter 4 . 5/23
You are so important to the readers who love your writing. Im so happy you updated. I love this new chapter as well, beautifully written as always.
angeljme chapter 4 . 5/23
That power to choose. Rin always has that. She chose to follow Sesshomaru.
Also, Sesshomaru always say that she do as she please; empowering Rin.
It just so happened that she would always choose him.
I love your story.
BiancaR chapter 4 . 5/23
I was wondering why I was getting all these email updates from fanfic and should’ve known it was you. When you update, you UPDATE. I love this new one ️️
kibachow88 chapter 4 . 5/23
It’s good. Would love for you to continue it.
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