Reviews for Renegades: The 151st Hunger Games
later.glader chapter 5 . 7/23
Great chapter! I'm so excited for the rest of the intros to see this cast of characters.
I hope everything is well and take your updating of course, real life and mental, physical and emotional state comes first. Hopefully writing and updating will help with that but if not I hope you find another outlet to help!

Vulcan: Wow, I felt so bad for Vulcan because his family don't accept his sexual orientation but accept his twin brother's? That must be so hard to deal with and see people supporting his brother. It is a shame that Odyssey isn't mentoring him but I'm sure the newest victor will still find a way to support his home district. I also really hope Vulcan finds a friend in the games that will help him feel accepted and that he doesn't have to hide his sexuality because no one should have to. And if Vulcan is victor then I think so many would support him cutting of the people in his life who are telling him being ace is just a phase.

Chantelle: I think there's a lot more to her that we haven't seen yet and more sides to her personality. However, it was sad that her father and his words have stuck with her all this time and prevent her from feeling like she has some self-worth and prevent her from having fun with the people she cares about. Her drive to prove her father wrong could definitely be advantageous and what she needs to get to the finish line but the doubt she has in herself could hinder her too.

RQ1: Hmmm, I think maybe district 10 will be next. Not for any particular reason, just that it would be interesting to see if Fox was included in his home district's intros like Odyssey was here.
66samvr chapter 5 . 7/19
It's my boi!

I didn't expect Vulcan would be introduced so soon! It's cool he gets to meet all the survivors and not just Odyssey, and he and Anastacia hit it off pretty well, which I was not expecting. But you nailed those doubts he has, and how he pretends to be someone he's not.

Ooh, Chantelle is a spicy one! She keeps pushing herself to do better and better, and it seems to be souring her relationship with her boyfriend. I hope she gets her injury looked at before the Games, because if it hasn't been properly treated, that's not good. But I love the contrast between her and Vulcan. Both push themselves to be better because they don't feel like they're enough.

RQ: Hmmmm...I'm gonna guess District 6.

Excited to meet the other tributes!
Phillipian11 chapter 5 . 7/17
Fantastic way to start off introducing the tributes. I like the attitude of not caring what people think that Anastacia and Vulcan share, and I think Chantelle's drive and ferocity is only beginning to show.

Other than that I cannot wait to meet the next set of tributes. But if I was to guess I will say District 9 is up next.
House Elf Liberation Front chapter 5 . 7/17
This was a really great chapter! I really enjoyed getting to know these tributes, and I thought it was fun to see all the survivors from the Quarter Quell too in Vulcan's POV. Chantelle seems fierce, and could probably have the ability to lead the Career pack, but I wonder if her insecurities will get in the way of that...anyway, it was really great to get to know them and meet our first set of tributes!

I'm gonna guess that District 7 is next for intros! Haha I don't have a reason for that, I just kinda picked randomly. But I can't wait to find out who it is!

HogwartsDreamer113 chapter 5 . 7/17
Intros! I am hyped to be introduced to all of the tributes! It's one of my favorite parts of pregames even if authors don't like writing them all of the time XD
Vulcan: Back to where we were last year with a D2 drag show! This time with cameos! Vulcan interacting with Anastacia was just the best XD I wonder how much she's trying to "see" of him so she can know when she mentors her on tribute. Strategic lol. I really like Vulcan's conflicted feelings about being at the drag show and Odyssey himself. It's interesting that his parents accept Mercury for being gay, but not Vulcan for being ace, and not cis (I like the hints at that, btw). Poor guy. :( I'm excited to see his interactions with other tributes!
Chantelle: She also has a sad story. It breaks my heart how hard she pushes herself and feels guilty when she's not training. That injury she got is rather concerning. I have regrets from not having an injury looked at (because I was stubborn though, not scared) so hopefully that doesn't come back to bite her.
I feel like these two can at least get along and not murder each other out of spite, but they also won't be best friends and get destroyed when the other dies/when they are forced to kill the other
Just what Kat wants lol

RQ: Well I know the answer lol. I'll say D4. Is that the real answer, or am I just trying to throw people off? Who knows?
Okay chart time:
Mine: Adonis
Love: Vulcan
Like: Chantelle
CelticGames4 chapter 5 . 7/17
Well, getting off to a good start here with the RQs because I know the answer. But I'm anxious to see other people's thoughts about the intro order.

Vulcan- Love this name btw. He has an interesting dynamic with District Two and Odyssey, feeling betrayed and jealous of Odyssey while also liking him as a person and wanting to trust him. I wonder if this is a common attitude across the District. Odyssey is doing all he can for Vulcan now, before he will be loyal to another. And we get some survivor chaos as well, love Anastacia as she really shone in this chapter XD I am anxious to hear her adopt "dingus" into her vocabulary. Vulcan's relationships are cute, and I find it interesting how he is somehow both warm and cold to the people in his life. Overall, I'm anxious to see more of him in action and how he interacts with the other Careers.

Chantelle- Okay, this was so relatable for me lol. I am the same personality type as Chantelle and I'm sure ma Boi has dragged me away from my compulsion for self-betterment because I don't know how to take a damn rest. Especially with something like the Hunger Games, I understand the constant anxiety about not being good enough and trying to better herself. At least Zeagan is a good bf that really seems to care and take good care of Chantelle, which she would definitely be lost without. Her dad's a poop for making her feel that way and hopefully she will break free from herself but I still haven't so what can you do lol.

A strong set of intros to kick us off and I'm excited to meet the other tributes!
Mistycharming chapter 4 . 6/30
I never thought about the capitol tributes in the career pack! On the one hand, they aren’t from a career district, but on the other, they’ll obviously be able to get sponsors just from being from the capitol and since they’ll have training and Odyssey and Misha as mentors, they could end up in the pack. I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Zan sounds like the perfect escort for Odyssey, he deserves someone who’ll likely be his friend after everything he’s been through. Between Radian, Anastacia and Elias Emilio will definitely be surrounded by chaos. I’m glad Rosalina is back! Aw I hope Roo and Fox become friends. I like how Priscilla’s an older escort, I feel like a lot of these escorts are all younger so it’s nice to have some age. Poor Letha, she’s been through so much and she doesn’t even get her returning escort! I love that we have two brothers who are escorts. Well now I wish Lucky ended up with Six. Sloan does sound like a good match for Letha. I absolutely love Mordecai and he may be my new favorite escort just from this little intro lol. Aw I feel bad for Winona. I can’t wait to see more of Lotis and Drazen’s interactions, they sound like they’ll be great together. Thank you so much for accepting Ardent! I can’t wait to see what you do with him, I know it’ll be just as great as how you wrote Decima and Bell! The blog looks great, as usual, and I can’t wait for the tribute introductions to start! I will say though, I’m curious to find out why two siblings would volunteer for a death match
Mistycharming chapter 3 . 6/30
I like that Seraphim is getting a sense of what the tributes go through. I was almost thinking this wasn’t actually the arena cause I couldn’t believe you’d reveal it already, but it’s definitely a good choice with all that’s going on. I think I know who Callisto is, and I can’t wait to see if I’m right! I’m curious as to what these mutts totally are, you kind of hinted at it, but of course you can’t give it all away
Mistycharming chapter 2 . 6/30
So is Mendalius going to reveal he’s still alive after all this is over, or is he going to hide for the rest of his life? Because there could be some heavy backlash over him still being alive, but he deserves to not have to hide for the rest of his life. Zephyr won’t be pleased Seraphim is keeping this from him. Elin does make some good points, but they’re even worse then the capitol so they don’t really count XD who’s Callisto? I need to know!
Mistycharming chapter 1 . 6/30
Sucks for Odyssey and Misha, they won’t be getting any alone time with this group around XD it’s nice to see them all having fun and being relatively normal after everything that happened to them. I doubt they’re out of the clear though, with a new syoc I’m sure they’ll be put through some challenges, and the rebels are still out there. I hadn’t thought of that, what are they going to do if no one volunteers?
66samvr chapter 4 . 6/28
There's a lot of newer escorts now, and they all seem so fun! Some of them are certainly gonna be a very chaotic contribution to their team lol.

Thanks for accepting my boi! :3
ladyqueerfoot chapter 4 . 6/26
Thank you so much for accepting Morris! I can't wait to read the rest
chcolate chapter 4 . 6/26
I loved this chapter and the escorts, it was really well written. I managed to read the whole chapter instead of scrolling straight to the tributes, so good job me. I'm excited that Chantelle and Riley got accepted, they were the first tributes that I'd submitted to any story, do that's exciting.
HogwartsDreamer113 chapter 4 . 6/26
Always love mentor chaos and here we have escorts thrown in! Seraphim means business with this group lol.
Of course I'm excited for Iris and Astrid and Clark but that's to be expected. And Zan and Odyssey lol. Plus I'm interested to see how the escorts who don't want to be in their placed districts, mostly Lotis and Lucky, do. Also Radian seems really fun, I'm excited to get to know Ain's big brother! And Mordecai, lol, can't wait for his chaos XD
Also the banquet is sure to be fun and chaotic so I can't wait for that XD
later.glader chapter 4 . 6/26
Great chapter! I surprised myself with self-control of not scrolling XD
I loved this chapter and it's nice to see some of the mentors making progress in lack of glaring at people (Seraphim in particular XD).

The escorts all seem so cool. I love Radian so much and his aesthetic picture on the blog is so pretty. I can't wait to see more interactions between him and his brother as well as him and Anastacia.
Thanks for accepting Lotis! She's my first escort and I'm excited to see her in her least preferred district because it's gonna mean more chaos XD I feel really bad for Jory having to put up with her and Drazen (who I absolutely love and can't wait to see more of!).
I can tell Mordecai is gonna be so much fun but probably get on the D9 mentors' nerves XD
Letha and Amelia's hug and mini interaction was also so sweet and it makes me so happy that they get on T.T

The tributes all look intriguing and I can't wait to find out more about them! There's a few pairs by submitter that I can tell will be chaotic XD
With most of the tributes being on the older side, and I'm guessing mostly trained, it's gonna be a tough games! I kinda feel bad for the younger tributes :( But anything can happen - as we've seen with Clark!

Thank you so much for accepting my two kiddos! I'm very excited to see where you take them and how they act.
Oh, I wonder if I'll end up loving one more than the other? I doubt it XD But we'll see!
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