Reviews for Laurel the babysitter
Chaos Sorcerer chapter 1 . 5/8
Laurel can handle court and criminals, but she can’t handle a ten year old demon spawn. God that was a laugh! Especially those screaming bits at the end of each scene (pretty sure Laurel scared the shite out of Tommy). Plus Oliver and Sara just knowing she’ll have a breakdown, loved that countdown by the way. I imagine this is the kind of conversation they have when they discuss babysitters, “So Thea is out, Roy is flat out afraid of her-“ “That’s my girl.” “-Tommy knows us too well and Laurel is having a breakdown.” “What about dad?” Oliver winced. “With his heart?” Realization hit Sara and she too winced. “Good point.” “…” “…” “…Barry?” “…I almost pity him.”

Wouldn’t mind a series of this, “babysitting adventures/torture with Mia Queen.” Though I imagine she would meet her match with her Uncle Matt (if you do a crossover one-shot with the ‘Devil and Archer’ series that is). Laurel waging war with a child would’ve been fun. I have to agree with coyotepup4, the Antichrist child of Oliver and Sara seems fitting when you factor in their younger selves old habits. Stay safe y’all. Take care now, bye bye then.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8
* Laughs *

Poor Laurel. I feel sorry for Thea later, Mia is such a rascal.
coyotepup4 chapter 1 . 5/8
It was fairly funny.

Could have used some non-violent payback on Laurel's part like holding Mia's toys hostage.

And maybe the end line, "I grew up with both of you so I should have expected you'd bring forth the antichrist."
Kariver chapter 1 . 5/8
Damn! It's funny. I wonder what Oliver and Sara managed their daughter in the beginning. I am curious how laurel would handle her children doing the same thing. Oh boy, Thea is in trouble when she would babysit Mia.
Keep up the good work friend.
adam199118 chapter 1 . 5/8
Brother, this is funny and so relatable to real life. I can imagine any child of Oliver and Sara to be a hell to raise. Keep up the great work and stay safe.
Stand with Ward and Queen chapter 1 . 5/8
*Laughs* This was just hilariously.

Poor Laurel. Nicely done.
9024multiverse chapter 1 . 5/8
Thanks for the story.

1. great job on the pranks although i made a mistake the water bucket with gunge it was supposed to be a water bucket above the door when Laurel walks in and it tips and splashes on her my mistake for not correcting you but it was still good.

2. cant wait for the next update.

3. and finally good luck on your stories.
Bl4ckHunter chapter 1 . 5/8
* Laughs *

Poor Laurel. Mia is a rascal. Oliver and Sara must have been getting a laugh the whole time.
Flashraven chapter 1 . 5/8
You say 'I hope everyone had a laugh', Aragorn dear brother. Well let me put this straight to you: I'm still unable to stop laughing so much, that much in fact that I've put Come and get Your Love on yet again for the umpteenth time to try and help me stop, LOL LOL LOL. And I've just finished a couple of hours break from my morning's writing (yup, am doing true to my promise to ya on you know what, brother). Oh man, as if my Bank Holiday, and in addition the 75th anniversary of VE Day, couldn't get any better... you wait till I get ahold of you, brother, how could you do this to me, LOL LOL, again?
Arrowverse Fan 217 chapter 1 . 5/8
Nice one shot.

Poor Laurel. I feel sorry for her.

This gave me a good laugh.

Keep up the good work.