Reviews for Foul is Fair and Fair is Foul
Alyce Reide chapter 6 . 7/31
Aww, thanks for the shout out! Can't break my streak now. (And you're welcome. )

I love the inclusion of 'The Raven.' My sister went through a phase a few months ago where she was absolutely obsessed with it. She still loves it, but at least now she isn't reciting it 24/7.
I love how many of your references I'm getting! Jekyll & Hyde in this chapter; are Liesel, Luciana, Giovanni, and Blanche references too?
(Ayesha is adorable. I just decided this. Because of course an Erik who doesn't live in the middle of a lake has a cat. And yes. His voice is the BEST. *heart eyes*)

Okay, downside (maybe?) of this chapter: I now have "Magical Lasso" stuck in my head.
~Like yellow parchment is his skin~~A great black hole serves as the nose that...never grew~
(that bit with Meg's 'warning' was foreshadowing, wasn't it?)
smrb chapter 6 . 7/28
Love everything that is being set up so far in this story. Can't wait to see how it all converges. Extra kudos for having Erik recite Edgar Allen Poe. There's something so right about him reciting this with his mysterious/enchanting voice but something so typical too that it would be the only one he's memorised (not through lack of ability but definitely through choice lol)
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7
Raoul wants to be nice to Erik? Erik takes revenge when you don't keep your promises. Poor Raoul. Got knocked out by flying snowballs. I'm sure Erik can be meaner-Raoul got him on a good day.
Alyce Reide chapter 5 . 7/8
Yay, ch5!

Ah...Raoul's *trying*...but there's that irritating 'something came up and I honestly forgot' trope. Love/hate. Poor Erik.

(Criticism: Raoul's name is 'Chagny,' not 'Changy.' The note , I think, was the 'saddest' part of Raoul's weekend. I do not think it is a part of the weekend that enjoys hurting people. Also, usually dialogue goes on the same line as the tag-action tags such as 'I nodded' count. Otherwise, you're pretty good on grammar! Pesky stuff trips everyone up.)
Alyce Reide chapter 4 . 6/29
Hey what happened to the cover art? It was really nice.

*tries to figure out who Phoebe, Sibella, and Monty are supposed to be before realizing they're not in the book* But I like the reference with Elissa!

Poor Erik. The whole time he's there, he'll be 'the boy who got sick in the girls' bathroom.'

He's doing a wonderful job of playing Phantom. Bet he's loving it. Mostly. Except for the part where Christine'll be afraid of him.

He's scarily like canon.

(Paris, New York, you say? Guess I should've realized that, but I did not see it coming! So all I need to figure out now is, why not?)
Alyce Reide chapter 3 . 6/19
Ha, joke's on Heather. Go to literally any YouTube video of a Phantom song and you'll find a couple (hundred) girls (and guys) who would love to go out with Erik. Especially this one, who is not a psychopathic killer.
Alyce Reide chapter 2 . 6/19
Ahaha I knew it would come to this! "Managed by a recluse" and there it is, the original.

Is the guy on the cover your Erik? Did you draw him? If so, awesome. If not, my compliments to the artist. I'm working on poses.

Lastly, yay! You end quotes correctly, with the commas! That is so rare I have to comment on it every time I see it.
Alyce Reide chapter 1 . 6/19
Surprisingly good for a modern AU (I'm not usually a fan of those). I really like the way you switch POV-it feels pretty natural, though I'd recommend also adding a line break each time. Everyone seems pretty in character so far-as much as they can be in modern times. (That's part of the reason I dislike modern AUs, it's hard to tell whether the characters are actually acting like they would if they'd been born in the 20th/21st century or if they're just OOC. I think it's the former here.)
HamBurrger chapter 2 . 6/9
I love this story soo much! I will really enjoy Erik's "torture" of the others... (Maybe I'm just weird) Anyway, I love where you're going with this!
cxe128 chapter 1 . 5/9
Looks great so far! I wonder who wrote the note?