Reviews for Darry's Baby
atyler4474 chapter 1 . 5/12
Good point on the broken bones. Great drama, though.

Thank you for favoriting my stories-and authorship.
atyler4474 chapter 2 . 5/6
Good story. Thank you for favoriting mine.
Angel chapter 2 . 5/6
Great chapter i cant wait for the next chapter!
Selkiesong22 chapter 1 . 5/7
This was very interesting! I love seeing the brotherly love! It’s refreshing to see a fic where Darry’s love for Pony is clear and you can see he really does care. I also like how Ponyboy still has that younger vibe to him! I can’t wait to see more!
She-Elf4 chapter 1 . 5/7
Also, just to let you know, there's quite a bit of medical stuff that's missing. Broken bones need more than just light gauze wrapping, the bones need to be set and put in a hard cast, otherwise they don't heal right. That would need to be done at the hospital. The casts can't get wet, so Ponyboy would most likely need to be given sponge baths instead of a regular one in the tub. The doctors would have gone over all of his necessary care with Darry before releasing him. Like I said, overall it's a good start, very engaging, I hope this helps you improve!
She-Elf4 chapter 2 . 5/7
I'm kinda curious, what kind of vibe were you going for here? Because this is incredibly creepy. I'd love to slap Darry upside the head and remind him that boundaries are a thing that exist. If that's what you were going for, good job! If not, maybe tone it down a bit. It's giving me Silence of the Lambs vibes. Please don't take this too harshly, your turn-of-phrase is very good and it's overall engaging, I'm just not sure what kind of feel this is supposed to have. It's marked hurt comfort, but it really comes across as psychological horror.