Reviews for Secret Billionaire Boyfriend
QueenAstridHaddock chapter 13 . 8/11
Ok you see, I’m not sure about it, but I think you just hinted an unexpected pregnancy again.
fanfiction 2122 chapter 12 . 7/30
I am loving every chapter I am always waiting for the next one so thank for today's
Httydlover16 chapter 11 . 7/16
This keeps getting better now we are not only a love story, but now we are having a mystery vibe to it love it!
Dudtheman chapter 11 . 7/16
hmmmmm feel like they glossed over thug to much it would be the first issue to be dealt with after making sure she is ok. because he is a problem that's going to pop up again and again tell they do something about It. thanks for the read
Now Account chapter 11 . 7/16
Aaaww sweet!
KaijuKnight chapter 10 . 6/23
i have to say, this one really pulled me in. i didn't think it would, but the chemistry between iur favorite couple is just to good. And the drama continues to be top notch.

i love the amount of believable brokenness that each character has. and it's so unique to each if them. Hiccup's trust/love issues after Cami and Astrid's youth shaping the way she sees and reacts to the world. so good...

And now Thug has gone and stepped in it! Ruff will panic, Astrid won't stop running (and i don't put much on her survival chances in an club dress) and Hiccup will have to come to the rescue.

a point i may have seen from an earlier chapter. Astrid's sponsor was GH. Any chance that standa for Gobber Haddock?
watermelon04 chapter 10 . 6/22
yassss, so good, cant wait to read the next chapter
QueenAstridHaddock chapter 9 . 6/14
Waking up and sleeping, having only one hope- a new update... yeah I can’t wait for a new update anymore. Pleeeeeeaaaaaase! Update soon
IcyForest chapter 9 . 6/5
woah, cami! not cool at all! i mean, cheating is bad but emotionally abusing someone and manipulating their feelings to get them to stay in a relationship is way WORSE! poor Hiccup though.. :(

and he better hire a bodyguard on Astrid cus I don’t trust Thuggory around her, lol jk pretty sure she can defend herself very well but she better be even more cautious around him now!
Guest chapter 9 . 6/3
Love the story can’t wait to see how it goes
IcyForest chapter 8 . 6/2
Hiccup inviting Astrid over to celebrate the holidays with his family so she wouldn’t be alone this time just made my heart melt aaaaah

Huh, it’s been years and yet he still couldn’t get over the pain from his ex. Cami probably cheated on him. That’s the only answer! Can’t wait for the next chapter, as always!
QueenAstridHaddock chapter 8 . 5/31
One week waiting was definitely worth it. But please don’t let us wait that long again specially with cliffhangers like this.
watermelon04 chapter 8 . 5/31
omg another cliffhanger!
Now Account chapter 8 . 5/30
First of all: Nice that Astrid is elebrating with Hiccup and his family!
Not so nice Cami was there.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/20
Wow, I loved it a lot; I think the reactions were very real and for a little moment I'd my doubts about Heather
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