Reviews for Enlightened
Guest chapter 2 . 7/12
Ohhh I’m sorry about that happening that’s the worst thing ever! Idk how you will have the energy to write what you wrote again but I hope you don’t give up because this story is amazing thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 7/12
Wow I love this so much finally a SI myth story thank you for you brain! I will be eagerly waiting for more but don’t be pressured lol
JanusGodOfPossibilities chapter 1 . 7/11
Excellent chapter. 4,000/10
CoffeeAndWaifu's chapter 2 . 7/10
Will this story only include female love interests? Because I'm quite interested in male love interests, much more than female ones.

Apollo also had male partners in myths if I'm not mistaken, so maybe you could keep that in mind?

Apollo having a crush on his mom is cute, so long as he doesn't really get together with her. It's like that thing where a girls first crush is her dad or something like that. Isn't that a saying? Well, I dont mind his appreciation(?) of his mom as long as it doesn't go any further.

I know it's all up to you in the end, but I hope you dont mind that I gave some of my opinions. This story has great potential, and I want to see the changes it can bring to mythology and pjo canon.
MystiYew chapter 2 . 6/29
Hope you haven't given up
guest chapter 2 . 6/21
i hope you’re doing ok, i like chapter 1 and i hope you’ll make more
kirito emiya chapter 2 . 6/17
Crywolfseven chapter 2 . 6/14
Just a reminder a god can turn anyone into their divine spouse. I mean thts what Dionysus did. I’m just saying he can fall for any of the femal olympians, and of the nature spirits, mortals, titans and children of them like Calypso or Zoë or even some of the more human monsters, though that would be a very strange choice probably but still less strange then his mother, and no matter what their lifespan would have been he can make them immortal goddesses or close enough that they will survive. Just with all those options let’s not jump straight to having his mother call him Daddy I’m bed or something...

Personally I suggest Calypso, she already has a good reason to dislike Olympus and since it seems your Apollo isn’t going to be on good terms with the king and queen she would make a great partner. It’s your story and I know everyone in the Greek world is related but this would be a bit much lol.

Again I loved the first chapter and it truly sucks you lost the second one which I will now be impatiently waiting for. Thank you for releasing this story!
Crywolfseven chapter 1 . 6/14
This is a rather interesting first chapter just please don’t do a mother x son story. I mean yea it’s the Greek mythology and inter family relationship is pretty common but still please don’t just jump to that level rift off the bat. I know it’s your story and all but that would be just plain creepy to have “yourself” fall for “your” mother. I just know I often treat SI story’s as if I am the SI and the very idea of it gives me the creeps.

Again I love the first chapter, thank you for sharing it!
Guest chapter 2 . 6/11
hope you’re still there, i really like the first chapter
MystiYew chapter 1 . 6/5
Looking forward to the next installment, reminds me of a Hades SI I read. Interested to see where this goes.
MystiYew chapter 1 . 6/5
Wdym maybe incest. It's the Greek pantheon. It's literally incest. Zeus is Hera's brother, hephaetus is aphrodite's cousin or smth, persephone is Hades' niece and so on and so forth.
Robmart chapter 2 . 6/2
Really liking the first chapter, looking forward to more
Pedro52 chapter 1 . 5/14
blackstar090123 chapter 2 . 5/10
don't worry i have patience
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