Reviews for Rifts Between Us
Guest chapter 56 . 8/12
THAT WAS SO GOOD? LIKE, IT’S REALLY AMAZING! *ahem* Okay, squealing aside, this truly is an incredible story. I may not have the vocabulary I’m sure other reviewers have, so I don’t know enough words to tell you how incredibly good this story is. I love how you’ve somehow incorporated real life into this story. I love the way the words fluctuate, and how cohesive (I probably used that word wrong) the arcs are. Hylia above, you deserve so much praise for this story. Really, thank you for writing it. I love it so much.
P chapter 56 . 8/11
Another splendid chapter!
You know, I never really thought about it, what if the king is under a lot of stress too? I mean his wife died, he's trying to raise his daughter, the threat of Ganon coming and knowing the Hyrules citizens are in danger, and so on. That's probably why he's not making the best decisions, he's getting really desperate.
Anyway, excited for the next chapter!
Ren chapter 56 . 8/11
Ahhhh I just finishing catching up with this story and I have no words. Honestly.
It's so amazing I'm incoherent akskdhjdjsks

Love love love this and eagerly await more. Amazing, amazing writer you are. Thank you 3
Ren chapter 48 . 8/11
Ah I just have to say I am adoring this fic so far. So very nearly caught up with all you've written!
I'm amazed by the quality of your writing. It's fantastic, and all the emotions really come through. Link at the beginning was especially well-written and honestly it was heartbreaking. I've been playing BOTW for the first time recently and just got all the memory pictures, I love how you've incorporated them. Making me like Zelda a bit more actually (I dislike her in the game so far!) by showing her perspective. And Link being silent because of all that pressure, and he's been ordered too? Fantastic. Heart-breakingly fantastic. I love your take on it!
Gotta say I cried a little when Choice died. That hurt ;-; and all the stuff before that with Link's punishment - damn it hurt too. But also SO GOOD.
With this chapter now, I can't help but wonder if the shadow - the shade - is perhaps the Hero's Shade/Time Link? Just a theory anyway.
I don't understand how anyone could dislike on this story, that's so horrible that an anon was harassing you. I hope that's all stopped now. :)
Anyway you're a fantastic writer, I've loved all your fics I've stumbled across so far and this one is amazing as well. Keep going, you're amazing!
God bless x
Jane Keybored chapter 56 . 8/10
Ohhhh man... we’re getting close. Poor Zelda! She faces a century of loneliness and guilt! I wonder if this moment in her room is the most content she’s going to feel, for the next 100 years...
Guest chapter 56 . 8/10
Your writing is amazing and I can’t wait for you to update the story.
ApplesEvilPie chapter 56 . 8/10
Oh dear how did I forget about her trips the springs?! I should've known. The King is desperate and listens to the priests and advisors, and although those people are no doubt smart and dedicated religiously, he needs to listen to his daughter more.

It's her burden to bear and she needs all of the love and support she can get, it makes me curious how things would've been different if her mother hadn't died earlier in her life. She's so close! What they discovered tonight will definitely be useful.

Their moments together make my heart swell with joy! These two deserve the world. I do agree with Link, he trusts in Impa and I think I trust her too, because they realize the faults of their King. Also, I feel as if Impa not only planned for this because of just unlocking her powers, but time away from the pressure of society and the gloomy walls of the castle. She can spend time with Link, and that'll be good for both of them.

Link should just name the hookshot device "the whatcha-ma-call-it" at this point haha! I love that you've included this tool in this world.

This was another excellent read! I'm happy to see the progress Zelda is making, and it honestly makes so much sense to have this build up to the actual moment she unlocks her powers.
Serami Nefera chapter 56 . 8/10
Thank goodness that Zelda had the ability to sense dangers to Link! That would have been bad if Rhoam discovered Link in her room! Death would have been the lightest punishment I think. Half of me worries that the King will force Link to become a Eunuch!
Jane Keybored chapter 54 . 8/9
(Ch 54) Groose’s desire for restitution is heartwarming.
Autismo555 chapter 56 . 8/9
“The Goddesses don't listen to petulant, stubborn little girls!"
I guess they don’t listen to you, Rhoam.
Elpis21 chapter 56 . 8/9
the relationship works wonderfully
Katia0203 chapter 56 . 8/9
A whole chapter of Zelink? How wonderful! Love how Link and Zelda are able to comfort each other through their own struggles. Close call with the King haha. Interested to see what will happen with them and Impa coming up in Kakariko. Thanks for the update!
Riyazura chapter 56 . 8/9
Ooh, I needed this chapter today. TuT

This chapter was really good! I loved how Zelda could sense the danger that was Rhoam—that took me off guard, and I just really love the idea! :D Rhoam doesn't seem as rough speaking to Zelda alone, thankfully, but he should still really learn to be more empathetic. :/

I am so glad you're putting emphasis on Zelda's struggles right here! It got me a little teary-eyed as I was reading how frustrated she was; it really resonates with me! ;u; And AGH she kissed Link this time, it was so heartfelt! Reading Link register all the emotions and feelings entering him as he realizes she just kissed him, and all the descriptions of her were SOOO GOOOOD. When I think back to my own pieces of heartfelt cathartic writing I try to put my soul into, yours really put them to shame in comparison. I guess I'll just have to try harder, because this was SOOO good! How the heck do you have such incredible description!?

Amazing chapter! I cant wait till next Sunday, when (I'm assuming) we see the duo go on to Kakariko! :DDD
Jane Keybored chapter 52 . 8/7
(Ch 52) I’m way behind here, but, I just gotta say that I loved Groose’s speech! I was hearing his cadence in my mind... so conversational. And I love it when Link gets good things!, like, an apology and olive branch from Groose. I liked Link’s processing of the apology, too.
ApplesEvilPie chapter 55 . 8/4
haha he's in danger

Another wonderful chapter! Link being able to snap back into his role as Zelda's protector was so natural and real, he's more at ease when conversing with her but it doesn't stop him from doing his job to protect and escort her. As Hawkwood stated a few chapters back, or rather this is vague since I haven't reread like I usually do because life is chaos, protecting and returning to loved ones can make a man fight till his last breath, even if he's the last man standing he'll do anything to get back home.

I love that you're expanding on the details of she scientific research, especially with the Shrine.

this was a lovely update! it seems things are picking up for them, I look forward to the next as always!
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