Reviews for If Tris never died- a divergent story
nasa0.0 chapter 5 . 5/17
eating is an important part of life... but great chapter!
bluepine121 chapter 4 . 5/11
I think this fic is very good! I like the humor, but think there could be a little less eating.
nasa0.0 chapter 3 . 5/7
this is interesting i hope you keep updating!
Galway Fangirl chapter 3 . 5/6
Hey! That was great! I love that you kept the part about Peter getting his memory wiped! Can’t wait for the next chapter. I am so glad you added in the “I love you FourI know” joke! I was rolling on my bed squealing! I loved it! Keep up the good work!
Lgirl3 chapter 3 . 5/5
hi, this is good! just add some more interaction with christina and other characters.
Galway Fangirl chapter 2 . 4/30
Great job! Make sure to add a few more thoughts Into the story. A first POV is supposed to help the reader understand what is going on inside the character’s head. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
Divergent31 chapter 2 . 4/29
Good start, can't wait for more
crowgranger916 chapter 2 . 4/29
Good start- the recommendation I would make at this point is to show a few more of the characters' thoughts! The back and forth dialogue is good, but perhaps try to show what the characters are thinking or otherwise doing as well. Keep it up!
Galway Fangirl chapter 1 . 4/27
Sorry for not adding this in the first review, but try to avoid using the word Then every other sentence. It gets kinda repetitive and can make it hard to read. Other than that I really liked it. I know that this kind of feedback can feel bad the first time you get it, so I want to say I am saying this to make you better, not to be rude. If you need anything feel free to PM me.
Galway Fangirl chapter 1 . 4/27
I say this with complete Candor, that was good!