Reviews for Fairy Shadow
biob1 chapter 4 . 13h
Great work
Stranger Glass chapter 15 . 8/8
Man it’s good to know your doing fine. Though sad about your problem. Plus you can count on me to support you and your stories since I love reading them. Though I gotta confess that after reading your and stories and pyrohelixdrago’s stories I actually thought you two were one and the same (feel free to laugh since the joke is on me), but after reading of you and pyrohelixdrago doing some collaborations this ment you two where different people. Bye for now and can’t wait for the next chapter in any of your stories.
darkpegasuzz chapter 2 . 8/10
not sure about the conversion rate but in rl to get 54 billion you would need about 1 million kg pure gold. that is assuming the price doesn't lower because of availability
Ghoul13x chapter 15 . 8/8
It alright Take your time
omar.cornelius.9 chapter 15 . 8/8
Don't stress yourself take your time and you two can work something out.
Solomon07 chapter 15 . 8/8
It is ok it is your fanfiction at all and all so I like your crossovers
Bladewolf56 chapter 1 . 8/6
Please update
showl chapter 14 . 7/24
okay whats the ETA on the next chapter. stay safe stay sane
Killthy chapter 14 . 7/15
This story is very good, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter!
Mysterious Storm chapter 14 . 7/5
Hey PoM, good to finally hear from you. First, happy late 4th of July. Second, you really had me worried that you would stop doing this story. Finally, HALLEYLUAH TO HIGH HEAVEN, 2 of my favorite authors, among my other favorite authors, are going to be working together! I wish you both the best of luck, and may you two make epic stories together. Can't wait to see more chapters, and other stories!

From: The Mysterious Storm
Dragon storm chapter 14 . 7/4
good to have you back
beardedaliengamer chapter 14 . 7/4
Hey! that's pretty good.
Rebelling Death chapter 14 . 7/4
Nice to see this fic is still kicking
KalthosNamikaze chapter 5 . 7/4
considering the era in japan he is most linked to something like yamato or perhaps cerberus from dmc for naruto
kazutoxx123 chapter 14 . 7/4
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