Reviews for Winter's End
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 29 . 10/4
Great chapter! Hopefully Cliff and Claire get to talk more in the next chapter! Also wondering if Doctor Trent makes an appearance at the festival, too! Anyway, keep up the fantastic work and please continue soon! Take care! :)
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 28 . 9/28
Wonderful chapter! Glad to see that Claire has joined the others at the festival, with Cliff's help of course! Can't wait to read more soon! Keep up the fabulous work and please continue! Take care! :)
Durotos chapter 28 . 9/26
I love the idea of the Harvest Festival being like a large community picnic. The comparisons between Terra and Ann are becoming clearer to Cliff now. I love their sibling-esque moments together, and I wonder if Ann is aware that's how he feels or if he's going to need to be more direct. Either way, their pie baking was really cute and felt warm and nostalgic. It was a nice break from the rough patches Cliff's been through.

I really enjoyed getting to see all the townspeople interact together. I think these are some of the funnest scenes to write, myself, because you get to kind of fill in the blanks the games leave you. A lot of these characters never interact with one another in-game, so it's fun imagining how their personalities play off of one another.

Again, I'm really enjoying Cliff interacting with his new friends - learning the guitar and performing with Karen - they're all so encouraging, and that's exactly what he needs right now. Gray made me laugh a bit - so eager to please Mary with the guitar. I know a few chords myself and am definitely more of a Gray than a Rick when it comes to playing. Claire's warm reception to Cliff was satisfying as well, and I'm really hoping they get to repair the broken bonds as they participate in this upcoming event together. I'm lowkey hoping they "accidentally" bump into each other a few times as they race, haha.

This chapter was so cute, and it was such a warm, sweet break from the craziness going on in my life right now. I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter. Thank you for sharing your story with us! :)
Durotos chapter 27 . 9/26
It's nice to see Cliff making a tangible change in addition to his internal ones. I found it very interesting that Karen was the one to cut his hair. It seems they are on pretty good terms and she's not breathing down his neck with "you better not hurt Ann". Considering Karen and Ann are close, she likely told her about what happened between them at the Fireworks Festival and how he said he didn't think he should be in a relationship now. It sounds like Karen approves of the way he acted back there, and she's got enough interest in him (or at least the Ann x Cliff ship) that she's willing to do a good job on his hair and cut it in a way that works for him.

I enjoyed seeing Cliff notice the change in himself - in how he looks healthier and how letting out all of his poisonous thoughts has brought new life to him. Healing from a trauma like that isn't going to happen overnight, but the first step is always the hardest - he's at least acknowledged what's happened to him and is becoming aware of his own emotions and feelings of his past and his interactions with people. I loved the idea of journaling his emotions.

I've been looking forward to him seeing Claire again, but I have really enjoyed this little arc of Cliff reclaiming his life. :)
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 27 . 9/19
Fantastic chapter! Love that Cliff is starting to help heal himself as a whole now! New look, new outlook on life, having friends, channeling his emotions, etc. Can't wait to read hopefully what Claire has been up to these past chapters, and hope for more Cliff/Claire moments! Anyway, keep up the fabulousness and please continue asap! Take care! :)
daytimehiker chapter 27 . 9/19
Once again, a great chapter! I’m really enjoying the transformation Cliff is going through right now, mental and physical. I’m really interested to see how setting boundaries is going to go for Cliff, but it’s definitely something he needs. You do such a great job of describing emotions that I can’t help to feel them as well sometimes. I’m also sitting here like “I wonder what Claire’s up to” alongside Cliff haha.

Anyways, thanks for writing. I love reading it :-)
daytimehiker chapter 26 . 9/11
Hi! I just found this and.. wow. You are a fantastic writer. Truly. I binge-read all 26 chapters over the span of two days. The way you’re able to make me feel emotions alongside Cliff, ugh it’s amazing. You have such a great attention to detail as well, I’m impressed by how knowledgeable you are about everything. Just wow. I felt compelled to let you know I REALLY enjoyed reading this and can’t wait for more chapters! I’m ready for Cliff to be happy!
moomieluv chapter 26 . 9/11
Wow these last 3 chapters were amazing! Beautifully written as usual :) I look forward to what’s to come!
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 26 . 9/11
Great chapter! So full of raw emotion, too! Each chapter is so perfectly detailed, it's wonderful to read! Anywho, keep up the fabulous awesomeness and please continue asap! Take care and have a great weekend! Take care! :)
Durotos chapter 26 . 9/11
I know these kinds of things can be really hard to write about, but you did a great job at it! The descriptions of Cliff's mental dialogue, his physical sensations of not being able to catch his breath, stuffy sinuses, being frustrated at Carter's calmness, wanting someone to just tell him what to do - they were all realistically portrayed and felt very relatable.

I thought the line from the advice column was lovely. I lost my grandmother this time last year, and it's been a process of grieving, remembering, and learning about her and myself. I feel like I know her better now than when she was alive. You get the time to really reflect on things, and, unfortunately, so many of us wait to learn and speak until it's too late.

We're seeing what has caused Cliff to act the way he has in previous chapters. He's been very emotionally suppressed in some departments, and it looks like it's finally time for him to start facing it. His reflection of his memory between him and his mother when he was sick was really sweet - it shows he knows enough about her to know what her reaction would have been if he had said what he wanted to.

I hope this is the beginning of us seeing Cliff be more honest with himself and the way he feels about others. It was a very satisfying chapter. :)
Durotos chapter 25 . 9/11
Cliff's mental dialogue at the beginning of this chapter was great - listing his wants and needs as a motivation for him to gather the gumption to do anything. It's very relatable.

The banter between Ann and Cliff is great, as usual. I can almost feel Ann pushing the conversation into being cheery despite neither of them really wanting it. I always feel that Ann forces herself to be cheery all the time and it is her coping mechanism when she approaches uncomfortable situations. Still, it was nice seeing Cliff open up a little bit about his family, even if they were what felt like minor details to him, like how his mom looked or how she laughed (I feel soooo called out by the wheezing laugh, haha!) and it provides a good opportunity for him to force himself to think about his family.

I was so relieved/excited to see Cliff come to Carter for direct guidance. I feel like you handled the subject matter really well, and adore the themed names!
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 25 . 9/4
Wonderful chapter! Very well written and emotional! Poor Cliff! Keep up the fantastic work and please continue asap! Take care and have a wonderful weekend! Happy Labor Day, too! :)
Guest chapter 25 . 9/4
When I lost my Dad talking about him helped me but everyone handles it differently. Some poeple take it out on others or need some time to be alone. But I just wish ann had been more respectful and let cliff be alone. If you want to be alone sometimes it's ok just be alone. I hope that help you!
xXx Tinkies xXx chapter 24 . 8/29
Absolutely wonderful chapters! I can't wait to read more! Keep up the fabulous work and please continue asap! :)
Durotos chapter 24 . 8/29
I really enjoy your take on the festivals in Mineral Town! They give the village more culture, and it's a fun change from what you see in the game without feeling out of place. I loved the fall-themed dresses, and I find it very interesting that Aja left town only fairly recently.

It was fun seeing more of Gray and Cliff's relationship, and while we don't see Gray interact with Mary this chapter, it's clear to see he cares for her deeply. Poor Basil, attempting to keep things civil and friendly between everyone! To be fair, the first time I saw a ranunculus, I thought it was a variety of rose, too.

I enjoyed seeing the back and forth between Rick and Popuri as well. Their chemistry as siblings was great, and it was great seeing Popuri passionate about something she helped participate in. Even though she isn't musically inclined, she still wanted to help, and she went above and beyond, decorating, planning, ushering. It really goes to show how eager she is to be helpful to others and taken seriously. It's a shame that Rick kind of overlooked all of that.

I was holding my breath as Cliff approached Claire, and I'm so glad their conversation went alright, if a little awkward. It's to be expected, given the circumstances. I was pleased to still feel that spark between them, and her memories with Cliff aren't tainted with bitterness. I'm getting the impression Claire and the doctor's relationship isn't as perfect as Cliff thinks. (Also a little insecurity on Trent's end? I think he's still a bit intimidated by Claire and Cliff's past.)

Again, we're seeing Doug shoving Cliff and Ann together. I'm glad that Cliff stood up for himself this time. I'm really looking forward to seeing how you portray the upcoming events in this season! Great writing, as always! :)
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