Reviews for A Sorceror of Sorts
hiraishin101 chapter 17 . 7/9
Really love this story, cant wait to see more
mattemo153 chapter 14 . 6/16
Hahaha hilarious. This is such a good story. I can’t put it down.
mattemo153 chapter 3 . 6/16
Great story! I cant wait to read more. I just had to leave a review as its so good. Thank you for this.
simsic chapter 17 . 6/11
very interesting , thanks for this diamond, looking to new chapters
NazgulBelserion chapter 17 . 5/28
He should be more comfortable with Luna and Mione he's 17 mentally or even older dealing with Young girls like them should be easy
toile grant chapter 17 . 5/26
very good
Ivx chapter 17 . 5/20
Please keep writing this wonderful story. It's the first thing that's kept my interest in a while. You're doing a great job
Hadrian Eveningshade chapter 17 . 5/17
I dont like it..
kronos797 chapter 6 . 5/12
hermione should have been sorted before harry. g comes before h after all.
R chapter 17 . 5/11
Make. Longer. Chapters.

You could narrow this whole post to a paragraph and lose nothing in terms of progression. Almost nothing happened besides Luna displaying sexual interest in harry despite being 11. A REAL stretch, that. And then harry just sends her off. Its an awkward progression towards intimacy if thats what you are aiming for.
Nice Egan chapter 17 . 5/10
I'm curious to see how the story is going to go and annoyed with the way you are portraying Luna in this chapter. She is does not make any sense. I will continue reading, because I'm curious.
Alexis R AC chapter 17 . 5/9
Thanks for the chapter!
I wonder how long will it take for Luna to steal Harry's little flower...
shadewatcher chapter 17 . 5/9
Sqweeeee! Another chapter! Poor Harry, this world and it's people just confuse him! XD Can't wait to see more!
James Birdsong chapter 17 . 5/9
Spartan3909 chapter 17 . 5/9
Thanks for the chapter _.
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