Reviews for Regaining my princess
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17
Keep up the good work
Data Seeker chapter 1 . 4/15

Your fic idea is interesting.

The statistics of the world and characters are interesting: it’s been over a year since the war, Sokka has broken up with Suki and somewhere along the line became advicer to Fire Lord Zuko.

Sokka for some complicated reasoning wishes to help Azula. Their meeting was interesting, and it was cute how he was able to convince Azula he was real and coaxes her into letting him touch her hair a comforting way.

The discussion between Sokka and Zuko was good.

The wholesome standards are high thus far.

The language is clean.
Nothing is suggestively offensive.
No extreme violence or any other vile content.

Other things I can’t compliment or criticize at this point. I hope you like this review. God bless

Data Seeker
Mogor chapter 1 . 4/12
Very good story. Love this chapter. Please more chapters.
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