Reviews for A Certain Sister's Adventure
drkirisame chapter 2 . 8/31
Misaka Mikoto the 2
Like, really? No "Electric Boogaloo"?
I do understand that is "The Second", but come on!
BTW, shenanigans are endless and merriment is limitless. If only fate (i.e. author) use its card right.
chaoslord1324 chapter 3 . 5/14
This is really fun to read. Hope to see more soon.
But then again, don't push yourself.
paeluclucas chapter 3 . 5/7
Espero con ansias el siguiente capitulo es realmente divertida
Im The Person chapter 3 . 5/7
Don’t worry about it too much, skill comes with time and practice, after all.

I can already see there may be war among the sisters for Kamijou. Unless I misinterpreted why the one sister would kill Hayami.

Also, Index hasn’t been shown yet, which is interesting. Not really complaining since I’m not a huge Index fan, but it’d be funny to see her reaction to Touma’s girlfriend, if and when he gets one.
Aminadab Brulle chapter 3 . 5/6
Yeah, something different than before is about to happen, or at very least structure of events will differ, considering that the cut of things happening around Uchidome/Last Order/Chiasa continues.

On the other hand, I wonder what is going to happen in the far future, during Daihaseisai. With ball-throwing event that, unless plot reasons on the way undo this, will feature two identical "twin" sisters on the opposite sides...
drak3n chapter 3 . 5/6
Ah yes. Mikoto being called a tsundere by other characters is hilarious. The Sisters are a strange bunch, which makes them a great fit for the series. Aogami becoming Shirai's " slave" is hilarious. Can't wait for more chapters!
Im The Person chapter 2 . 4/21
It’s not bad, you just need to fix your grammar mistakes. Preferably proof read it and fix mistakes.

Also are you going for Misaka 10032 x Touma? I’m down if so.
drak3n chapter 2 . 4/18
Your back! Great chapter!
Aminadab Brulle chapter 2 . 4/17
(Possibly) major change noted - Hayami doesn't mention Last Order to Touma this time.
Aminadab Brulle chapter 1 . 4/10
Oh, the Mutual Childhood Friends & Hayami fic is back. Revision made this a bit more smooth so far. I'm on aboard.
Zm93 chapter 1 . 4/10
This was fun! Write more!