Reviews for True Love: A Twilight Fairy Tale
deadliestdistractionRN chapter 17 . 7h
A very unusual twist on Beauty and the Beast. Loved it!
princeselisa chapter 17 . 8h
Great story!
Reinbeau chapter 17 . 7/19
Reinbeau chapter 14 . 7/19
Thought she may be mommy dearest.
Reinbeau chapter 2 . 7/18
Well, I can see where the inclination to act before knowing the whole story came from for that young Princess.
it's simply me n you chapter 17 . 7/18
Great story! Thanks for sharing it with us
it's simply me n you chapter 11 . 7/17
Very true. True love is always kind
Ajfflady chapter 17 . 7/15
This fairy tale was such a gift from you. One for the romantic heart in all of us. Also I agree with your recommendation of The Remnants. Oh my that story left me breathless. It still haunts my thoughts much as parts of The Protector do, dust storms and canyons with wild dogs. I have been recommending it whenever I can. The author replied to a review of mine with more insight to how the story formed. A brilliant mind there I hope for more one day. I am so happy you are safe in your rural haven. Here in Arizona I wonder what the future holds. I escape in the stories here written by familiar friends such as yourself. Blessings to you and yours-Beth
Ajfflady chapter 17 . 7/15
A fairy tale was such a gift from
breakingdawn57 chapter 17 . 7/11
So gifted as a writer! Beautiful story!
TwiFanfictionRecs chapter 1 . 7/5
True Love: A Twilight Fairy Tale has been nominated in the poll to find the Top 10 fics completed in June at www . twifanfictionrecs . com
redemptionsong chapter 17 . 7/4
This was so lovely! Like peaches drizzled with warm honey and cream.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/30
I am literally bawling. All I can say is thank you so much for this beautiful story.
Be-Light-ed chapter 17 . 6/18
Beautiful and poignant for the time we live in. Wonderfully done.

Annie B
luvyateamedward chapter 17 . 6/15
Such a wonderful story! I loved it. Once I started I couldn’t stop. Thank you for sharing your writing and characters.
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