Reviews for Hobbits out of time
MapleRose150 chapter 15 . 7/14
Please continue!
Aslan's Princess chapter 15 . 7/6
So happy to see that they all made it safe to Rivendell. Oo, and our two hobbits know what is happening between the wizards.

I wonder if anyone will look back and wonder about how Merry and Pippin could keep up so well. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. It will be interesting to see how they react to Elrond, although I suspect it will be somewhat painful or frustrating since he wouldn't know them. Unless he's had some foresight about them. Again, just have to wait and see. :-)
Shelbie chapter 15 . 7/5
Yay brief safety for the tiny boys
Aslan's Princess chapter 14 . 6/21
I am sure that is a relief for our time-traveling hobbits. At least aside from Pippin's flashbacks.

I think it is rare that we really consider the aftermath of these grand adventures for our heroes. So I think it is awesome how you are touching on some of the PTSD that Merry and Pippin are having to work through as the need arises. A nice, unique touch for your story. Also making it a very good thing that Merry and Pippin have each other and are not having to go through this adventure all alone.

I am suspecting at least Radagast if not the race to Rivendell in the next chapter. :-) I'll just wait and see.
Shelbie chapter 14 . 6/21
Oh poor pippin baby, he needs so many hugs
Aslan's Princess chapter 13 . 6/15
Well, . . . didn't make a huge difference. At least the trolls are a bit more damaged, teach them to pick on someone smaller than them, especially when the little ones are armed with fire.

Liked seeing Dwalin interacting with Merry and Pippin.

Now, looking forward to how the trolls get turned to stone. Might Merry and Pippin catch on quicker than the dwarves? I guess I'll just have to wait and see. :-)
Shelbie chapter 13 . 6/15
Merry and Pippin you tiny fools, stay away from the giant trolls that could crush you easily dam it
BleckBlah5956 chapter 13 . 6/14
NOOOOOOO! MERRY!PIPPIN! YOU STAY OUT OF THE FIGHTING! My poor babies! *grasps their cloaks dragging them into my arms* Mamas here dont you worry about a thing. *pushes them behind me and pulls out Inuyasha's sword* Iron Reaver Soul stealer! *aims and slashes towards the trolls* Mwahahhaha! *cackles looking at the damage*
Anyways update soon as you can please i need to know more!
Shelbie chapter 12 . 6/2
I love Thorins quiet protectiveness of Merry and Pippen and the fact that he’s insightful enough to notice the scars but not to immediately jump to conclusions. I also love the fact that pip is getting his spark back, though I fear that all of Middle Earth should tremble in fear at the combined pranking expertise of Merry, Pippen, Fili and Kili. As always love your work and can’t wait for the next chapter of this story
Aslan's Princess chapter 12 . 5/31
That prank was perfect! I have a feeling that Middle Earth will have to be wary of this pranking foursome, provided Merry and Pippin manage to prevent the deaths of the three Durins.

Happy to see Merry and Pippin recovered from that river accident. Also love their close friendship with Fili and Kili.

I'm guessing only one or two more chapters before the trolls? Whenever it comes, I'm looking forward to it and all the adventures along the way. :-)
guest chapter 11 . 5/26
Love this! Please continue this story!
BleckBlah5956 chapter 11 . 5/15
Pippin listen to Merry *hugs the wet children close rocking them gently* my poor babies. please update soon as you can!
Aslan's Princess chapter 11 . 5/15
Whoo. That was a bit of a fright. At least everyone got out of the river safely. Then just an hour more and everyone can work on getting warmed up.

Merry and Pippin certainly changed things here, since originally it had been Fili and Kili who had that dunking. I guess we'll see what more they may change in the upcoming chapters.

Looking forward to more. :-)
KatieKat NYC chapter 11 . 5/15
Don't scare me like that! I knew Pippin had to be all right, I mean you can't do that, kill Pippin. But still, great chapter though!
Shelbie chapter 11 . 5/15
This is really good, but poor pippin, I can’t imagine it’s very nice to almost drown and I hope this isn’t something that Thorin holds against merry and pippin coming along. Keep up the fantastic work
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